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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, I, L and 2S

ACCESSIBLEaccessible adj. Easy of access or approach.
accessible adj. (Specifically) Built or designed as to be usable by people with disabilities.
accessible adj. (Of a person) Easy to get along with.
ACCESSIBLYaccessibly adv. In an accessible manner.
ACCESSIBLE adv. able to be accessed.
CALCINOSEScalcinoses n. Plural of calcinosis.
CALCINOSIS n. the abnormal deposition of calcium salts in the tissues of the body.
CALCINOSIScalcinosis n. (Pathology) The abnormal deposition of calcium salts in the soft tissue of the body.
CALCINOSIS n. the abnormal deposition of calcium salts in the tissues of the body.
CATACLASIScataclasis n. (Geology) cataclastic rock (a type of metamorphic rock that has been wholly or partly formed by the…
cataclasis n. (Geology) A process of formation of such rock.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CLADISTICScladistics n. (Systematics) An approach to biological systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon synapomorphies…
CLADISTICS n. taxonomic theory distinguishing by common ancestor.
CLASSICALSclassicals n. Plural of classical.
CLASSICAL n. a work in classical style.
CLASSICISEclassicise v. Alternative spelling of classicize.
CLASSICISE v. to make classical, also CLASSICIZE.
CLASSICISMclassicism n. (Uncountable) All the classical traditions of the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome, especially…
classicism n. (Uncountable) Classical scholarship.
classicism n. (Countable) A Latin or Ancient Greek expression used in an English sentence.
CLASSICISTclassicist n. A classical scholar, especially one who studies ancient Greek and Latin language and culture.
classicist n. A follower of classicism.
CLASSICIST n. an advocate or follower of classicism.
CLASSICIZEclassicize v. To make classic.
classicize v. To conform to the classic style.
CLASSICIZE v. to make classical, also CLASSICISE.
CROSSCLAIMcrossclaim n. (Law) A secondary lawsuit, brought by a defendant in an original lawsuit, against a co-defendant in the original suit.
crossclaim v. (Law) To file such a secondary lawsuit.
CROSSCLAIM n. a claim made by a defendant against a plaintiff.
ECCLESIASTecclesiast n. A member of the Athenian ecclesia (public legislative assembly).
ecclesiast n. (Rare) A member of any ecclesia (church or other assembly).
ecclesiast n. A cleric; someone (such as a priest) who administers a church (ecclesia) or other religious gathering/group.
FASCICULESfascicules n. Plural of fascicule.
FASCICULE n. a bundle; a division of book published in parts, also FASCICLE, FASCICULUS.
FASCICULUSfasciculus n. (Anatomy) A small bundle of nerve, muscle or tendon fibers.
fasciculus n. One of the divisions of a book published in separate parts; a fascicle.
FASCICULUS n. (Latin) a little bundle; a fascicle, also FASCICLE, FASCICULE.
NEOCLASSICneoclassic adj. Neoclassical.
NEOCLASSIC adj. belonging to a revival of the classical style.
SCHOLASTICscholastic n. (Philosophy) A member of the medieval philosophical school of scholasticism; a medieval Christian Aristotelian.
scholastic adj. Of or relating to school; academic.
scholastic adj. (Philosophy) Of or relating to the philosophical tradition of scholasticism.
SYNCLASTICsynclastic adj. (Of a surface) curved toward the same side in all directions.
synclastic adj. (Mathematics) of a surface whose Gaussian curvature is positive at all points.
SYNCLASTIC adj. curved in all directions towards a single point.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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