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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, I, L, O and V

ACICLOVIRSACICLOVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of forms of herpes and of HIV, also ACYCLOVIR.
ACYCLOVIRSacyclovirs n. Plural of acyclovir.
ACYCLOVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of herpes and HIV, also ACICLOVIR.
CLAVICHORDclavichord n. (Music) An early keyboard instrument producing a soft sound by means of metal blades (called tangents)…
CLAVICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument, also CLARICHORD.
CLAVICORNSclavicorns n. Plural of clavicorn.
CLAVICORN n. a beetle having club-shaped antennae.
COACTIVELYcoactively adv. In a coactive manner.
COACTIVE adv. mutually active.
CONCLAVISMCONCLAVISM n. a minority movement that rejects the authority of the established pope and instead supports an alternative pope.
CONCLAVISTconclavist n. The personal aide of a cardinal at a papal conclave.
CONCLAVIST n. one of the two ecclesiastics allowed to attend a cardinal in the conclave.
PREVOCALICprevocalic adj. (Phonetics) Immediately preceding a vowel or vowel sound.
PREVOCALIC adj. before a vowel.
VARICOCELEvaricocele n. (Medicine, andrology) Varicose veins in the area of the scrotum.
VARICOCELE n. a varicose enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord; also, a like enlargement of the veins of the scrotum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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