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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, 2I and 2T

ACTIVISTICactivistic adj. Relating to the practice of activism or the behavior and beliefs of activists.
ACTIVISTIC adj. relating to activism.
CANTATRICIcantatrici n. Plural of cantatrice.
CANTATRICE n. (Italian) a female singer.
CAUSTICITYcausticity n. The quality of being physically caustic; burning, corrosive.
causticity n. (Figuratively) Being caustic in speech, humour etc.
CAUSTICITY n. the state of being caustic.
COACTIVITYcoactivity n. Acting together or in concert; unity of action.
COACTIVITY n. unity of action.
STIACCIATOSTIACCIATO n. (Italian) very low relief, as on coins.
TACHYLITICtachylitic adj. Of or relating to tachylite.
TACHYLITIC adj. of or like tachylyte, a vitreous form of basalt, also TACHYLYTIC.
TACTICIANStacticians n. Plural of tactician.
TACTICIAN n. one skilled in tactics.
TECTRICIALTECTRICIAL adj. of or like a tectrix, one of the coverts (feathers covering the main feathers) of a bird's wing.
TICTACKINGTICTAC v. to use arm signals for bookmaker information, also TICKTACK, TICTOC, TICKTOCK.
TIMOCRATICtimocratic adj. Belonging to, or constituted by, timocracy.
TIMOCRATIC adj. relating to timocracy, also TIMOCRATICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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