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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, H, 2O and T

ACOLOUTHICacolouthic adj. Alternative form of acoluthic.
ACOLOUTHIC adj. pertaining to an afterimage or other aftersensation, also ACOLUTHIC.
CACOTROPHYcacotrophy n. (Medicine, obsolete) Disordered or defective nutrition.
CACOTROPHY n. bad or inadequate diet.
CAOUTCHOUCcaoutchouc n. Latex; natural rubber.
CAOUTCHOUC n. (Quechua) un-vulcanized natural rubber.
CATHOLICOIcatholicoi n. Plural of catholicos.
CATHOLICOS n. (Greek) the Primate of the Armenian or Nestorian church.
CATHOLICONcatholicon n. (Medicine) A supposed universal remedy.
catholicon n. (Orthodox Christianity) A large urban church used for large gatherings.
Catholicon prop.n. An early Latin dictionary, the Summa grammaticalis quae vocatur Catholicon.
CATHOLICOScatholicos n. (Christianity) A high-ranking bishop or patriarch in certain Eastern Christian traditions.
CATHOLICOS n. (Greek) the Primate of the Armenian or Nestorian church.
CHOANOCYTEchoanocyte n. (Cytology) any of the cells in sponges that contain a flagellum, and are used to control the movement of water.
CHOANOCYTE n. a cell in which the flagellum is surrounded by a sheath of protoplasm.
CHOCOLATESchocolates n. Plural of chocolate.
chocolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chocolate.
CHOCOLATE n. a paste made of the ground seeds of the cocoa plant, with sugar and flour or similar material, usually hardened into slabs.
CHOCOLATEYchocolatey adj. Alternative spelling of chocolaty.
CHOCOLATEY adj. of or like chocolate, also CHOCOLATY.
COLCOTHARScolcothars n. Plural of colcothar.
COLCOTHAR n. (Arabic) a reddish brown oxide of iron, used in polishing glass.
ECHOLOCATEecholocate v. To locate by means of echolocation.
MOTORCOACHmotorcoach n. A motorised bus, or coach.
motorcoach n. Alternative form of motor coach (a rail vehicle).
motor-coach n. (Rail transport) Alternative form of motor coach.
OCHLOCRATSochlocrats n. Plural of ochlocrat.
OCHLOCRAT n. a mob ruler.
OCTACHORDSoctachords n. Plural of octachord.
OCTACHORD n. an instrument of eight strings; a system of eight tones.
OUTCOACHEDoutcoached v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcoach.
OUTCOACH v. to surpass in coaching.
OUTCOACHESoutcoaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outcoach.
OUTCOACH v. to surpass in coaching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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