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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, H, L, R and S

CARBACHOLScarbachols n. Plural of carbachol.
CARBACHOL n. a synthetic drug used to disperse fluids, e.g. urine, retained in the body.
CHECKRAILScheckrails n. Plural of checkrail.
check-rails n. Plural of check-rail.
check␣rails n. Plural of check rail.
CHILDCARESchildcares n. Plural of childcare.
CHILDCARE n. care of children, esp. as professionally provided.
CHILIARCHSchiliarchs n. Plural of chiliarch.
CHILIARCH n. (Greek) the commander or chief of a thousand men.
CHLORACNESchloracnes n. Plural of chloracne.
CHLORACNE n. a type of disfiguring skin disease, caused by contact with chlorinated hydrocarbon.
CLERUCHIAScleruchias n. Plural of cleruchia.
CLERUCHIA n. an allotment of land in a foreign territory made to a citizen of Athens, also CLERUCHY.
COCHLEAREScochleares n. Plural of cochleare.
COCHLEARE n. (Latin) a kind of spoon, also COCHLEAR.
COLCOTHARScolcothars n. Plural of colcothar.
COLCOTHAR n. (Arabic) a reddish brown oxide of iron, used in polishing glass.
OCHLOCRATSochlocrats n. Plural of ochlocrat.
OCHLOCRAT n. a mob ruler.
ORICALCHESORICALCHE n. (Spenser) a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICHALC.
SCHOLARCHSscholarchs n. Plural of scholarch.
SCHOLARCH n. the head of a school.
SCRATCHILYscratchily adv. In a scratchy manner.
SCRATCHY adv. made by scratching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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