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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, H, 2I and T

ACROLITHICacrolithic adj. Relating to, or like, an acrolith.
ACROLITHIC adj. pertaining to, or like, an acrolith, a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
ANCHORITICanchoritic adj. Of or pertaining to an anchorite.
ANCHORITIC adj. of or like an anchorite, also ANCHORITICAL.
ANTICHOICEantichoice adj. Alternative form of anti-choice.
anti-choice adj. (Derogatory, dysphemistic) Not pro-choice; opposed to the individual’s choice, especially of abortion or euthanasia.
ANTICHOICE adj. opposed to abortion.
ARCHAISTICarchaistic adj. Pertaining to an archaist; deliberately archaic, old-fashioned in an affected way.
archaistic n. Archaistic themes, motifs, items, etc.
ARCHAISTIC adj. like, or imitative of, anything archaic; pertaining to an archaism.
CATHOLICOIcatholicoi n. Plural of catholicos.
CATHOLICOS n. (Greek) the Primate of the Armenian or Nestorian church.
CHEMIATRICchemiatric adj. Relating to chemiatry; iatrochemical.
CHEMIATRIC adj. healing by the use of chemicals.
CHIASMATICchiasmatic adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the optic chiasma.
chiasmatic adj. (Genetics) Relating to or characterized by a chiasma (the contact point between the two chromatids of…
CHIASMATIC adj. relating to chiasma.
CHILIASTICchiliastic adj. Pertaining to the religious doctrine of a thousand-year period of peace and prosperity.
CHILIASTIC adj. of or relating to a thousand years.
EPICANTHICepicanthic adj. (Anatomy, of a fold of skin) That partially covers the inner angle of the eye.
EPICANTHIC adj. relating to the epicanthus, a fold of skin over the inner canthus of the eye.
SCHISMATICschismatic adj. (Religion) Of or pertaining to a schism.
schismatic adj. (Music) Of or pertaining to a schisma.
schismatic adj. Divisive.
STRACCHINISTRACCHINO n. (Italian) a type of soft whole-milk Italian cheese.
TACHYLITICtachylitic adj. Of or relating to tachylite.
TACHYLITIC adj. of or like tachylyte, a vitreous form of basalt, also TACHYLYTIC.
TECHNICIANtechnician n. A person who studies or practises technology; an expert in a particular technology.
TECHNICIAN n. a specialist in the technical details of a subject or occupation.
THIOCYANICthiocyanic adj. Sulfocyanic.
THIOCYANIC adj. as in thiocyanic acid, the parent acid of thiocyanates.
TRIBRACHICtribrachic adj. Composed of three short (or unstressed) syllables.
tribrachic adj. Relating to, or composed of tribrachs.
TRIBRACHIC adj. of or like a tribrach, also TRIBRACHIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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