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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, H, 2I and R

ACROLITHICacrolithic adj. Relating to, or like, an acrolith.
ACROLITHIC adj. pertaining to, or like, an acrolith, a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
ANCHORITICanchoritic adj. Of or pertaining to an anchorite.
ANCHORITIC adj. of or like an anchorite, also ANCHORITICAL.
ARCHAICISMarchaicism n. (Linguistics) Alternative form of archaism.
ARCHAICISM n. an archaic expression.
ARCHAISTICarchaistic adj. Pertaining to an archaist; deliberately archaic, old-fashioned in an affected way.
archaistic n. Archaistic themes, motifs, items, etc.
ARCHAISTIC adj. like, or imitative of, anything archaic; pertaining to an archaism.
CHEMIATRICchemiatric adj. Relating to chemiatry; iatrochemical.
CHEMIATRIC adj. healing by the use of chemicals.
CHILIARCHSchiliarchs n. Plural of chiliarch.
CHILIARCH n. (Greek) the commander or chief of a thousand men.
CHILIARCHYchiliarchy n. (Historical) A regiment of 1000 soldiers, typically commanded by a chiliarch.
chiliarchy n. (Historical) The office or position of a chiliarch.
chiliarchy n. (Rare) A government of 1000 rulers.
CHIMERICALchimerical adj. Of or pertaining to a chimera.
chimerical adj. Being a figment of the imagination; fantastic (in the archaic sense).
chimerical adj. Inherently fantastic; wildly fanciful.
CHORIAMBICchoriambic adj. Of or relating to a choriamb.
choriambic n. A choriamb.
CHORIAMBIC n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBUS.
COCHAIRINGcochairing v. Present participle of cochair.
co-chairing v. Present participle of co-chair.
COCHAIR v. to serve jointly as chairman.
DIACHRONICdiachronic adj. Occurring over or changing with time.
diachronic adj. Of, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time.
DIACHRONIC adj. of the study of a subject (esp. a language) through its historical development, as opposed to synchronic.
DIARCHICALdiarchical adj. Of or pertaining to a diarchy.
DIARCHICAL adj. relating to a diarchy, rulership by two people, also DIARCHAL, DIARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
HIERARCHIChierarchic adj. Hierarchal.
HIERARCHIC adj. of, relating to, or arranged in a hierarchy, also HIERARCHICAL.
OLIGARCHIColigarchic adj. Of or pertaining to oligarchy.
OLIGARCHIC adj. of or like an oligarchy, also OLIGARCHAL.
RADICCHIOSradicchios n. Plural of radicchio.
RADICCHIO n. (Italian) a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy.
STRACCHINISTRACCHINO n. (Italian) a type of soft whole-milk Italian cheese.
TRIBRACHICtribrachic adj. Composed of three short (or unstressed) syllables.
tribrachic adj. Relating to, or composed of tribrachs.
TRIBRACHIC adj. of or like a tribrach, also TRIBRACHIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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