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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, E, I, S and U

ACCURACIESaccuracies n. Plural of accuracy.
ACCURACY n. exactness.
ACCUSATIVEaccusative adj. Producing accusations; in a manner that reflects a finding of fault or blame.
accusative adj. (Grammar) Applied to the case (as the fourth case of Latin, Lithuanian and Greek nouns) which expresses…
accusative n. (Grammar) The accusative case.
ACINACEOUSacinaceous adj. (Botany) Containing seeds or stones of grapes, or grains like them.
ACINACEOUS adj. full of kernels.
ACQUIESCEDacquiesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of acquiesce.
ACQUIESCE v. to agree, accept.
ACQUIESCESacquiesces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acquiesce.
ACQUIESCE v. to agree, accept.
BUCCANIERSbuccaniers n. Plural of buccanier.
buccaniers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buccanier.
BUCCANIER v. to act as a buccaneer, a pirate, originally of the Spanish-American coasts; an unscrupulous adventurer, also BUCCANEER.
CADUCITIEScaducities n. Plural of caducity.
CADUCITY n. the quality of being transitory or perishable.
CALCIFUGEScalcifuges n. Plural of calcifuge.
CALCIFUGE n. a plant that will not tolerate limy soil.
CIRCULATEScirculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circulate.
CIRCULATE v. to go round.
CISTACEOUScistaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Cistaceae of rockroses.
CISTACEOUS adj. of or like a Cistus, the rockrose genus.
CLERUCHIAScleruchias n. Plural of cleruchia.
CLERUCHIA n. an allotment of land in a foreign territory made to a citizen of Athens, also CLERUCHY.
CORIACEOUScoriaceous adj. (Botany) Resembling leather; leathery.
CORIACEOUS adj. of plant structures, having a leathery appearance, also CORIOUS.
ENCAUSTICSencaustics n. Plural of encaustic.
ENCAUSTIC n. an ancient method of painting in melted wax; a piece of pottery or other article decorated in this way.
ERICACEOUSericaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to the heath family (Ericaceae).
ericaceous adj. (Especially of a plant) Acid-loving, thriving in acidic conditions.
ericaceous adj. Acidic, acid-based.
FASCICULESfascicules n. Plural of fascicule.
FASCICULE n. a bundle; a division of book published in parts, also FASCICLE, FASCICULUS.
INCULCATESinculcates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inculcate.
INCULCATE v. to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions.
REACCUSINGreaccusing v. Present participle of reaccuse.
REACCUSE v. to accuse again.
SUBOCEANICsuboceanic adj. Beneath the surface of the ocean.
SUBOCEANIC adj. below the ocean.
SUCCINATESsuccinates n. Plural of succinate.
SUCCINATE n. a salt of succinic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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