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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, D, H, I and O

CHANCROIDSchancroids n. Plural of chancroid.
CHANCROID n. a type of venereal sore.
CLARICHORDclarichord n. An old musical instrument in the form of a spinet; the manichord or clavichord.
CLARICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument in which the tangent striking the string and producing the sound also determines the vibrating length, also CLAVICHORD.
CLAVICHORDclavichord n. (Music) An early keyboard instrument producing a soft sound by means of metal blades (called tangents)…
CLAVICHORD n. an old keyboard stringed instrument, also CLARICHORD.
CONCHOIDALconchoidal adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a conchoid; that may be defined as a conchoid.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a fracture) Irregular, with planar, concentric curves, similar to those on a mussel shell.
conchoidal adj. (Mineralogy, of a mineral) That fractures with planar concentric curves (e.g., as flint, chert or obsidian).
DIACHRONICdiachronic adj. Occurring over or changing with time.
diachronic adj. Of, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time.
DIACHRONIC adj. of the study of a subject (esp. a language) through its historical development, as opposed to synchronic.
DICHOGAMICdichogamic adj. Relating to dichogamy.
DICHOGAMIC adj. relating to dichogamy, an arrangement for preventing the self-fertilization of hermaphrodite flowers.
DOCHMIACALDOCHMIACAL adj. pertaining to, or containing, the dochmius, also DOCHMIAC.
RADICCHIOSradicchios n. Plural of radicchio.
RADICCHIO n. (Italian) a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy.
SACCHAROIDsaccharoid adj. (Mineralogy) Having a texture like granulated sugar.
saccharoid n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide that resembles a sugar, often insoluble and not sweet.
SACCHAROID adj. like loaf sugar in texture, also SACCHAROIDAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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