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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, N, 2S, T and U

ABRUPTNESSabruptness n. The state of being abrupt or broken.
abruptness n. Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence.
ABRUPTNESS n. the quality of being abrupt.
ANTIBUSERSantibusers n. Plural of antibuser.
ANTIBUSER n. a person who opposes the busing of children to faraway schools to achieve racial balance.
BANDOBUSTSBANDOBUST n. (Urdu) (in India and Pakistan) an arrangement, also BANDOBAST, BUNDOBUST.
BANDURISTSbandurists n. Plural of bandurist.
BANDURIST n. one who plays the bandura.
ISOBUTANESisobutanes n. Plural of isobutane.
ISOBUTANE n. a gaseous branched-chain hydrocarbon.
OBSCURANTSobscurants n. Plural of obscurant.
OBSCURANT n. one who obscures; one who prevents enlightenment or hinders the progress of knowledge and wisdom.
SUBACTIONSsubactions n. Plural of subaction.
SUBACTION n. the act of reducing to any state, as of mixing two bodies completely.
SUBALTERNSsubalterns n. Plural of subaltern.
SUBALTERN n. a person holding a subordinate position; specifically, a junior officer (as in the British army).
SUBCANTORSsubcantors n. Plural of subcantor.
SUBCANTOR n. a subordinate cantor, a singer; esp. the leader of a church choir.
SUBLATIONSsublations n. Plural of sublation.
SUBLATION n. the act of taking or carrying away.
SUBNASCENTsubnascent adj. Growing underneath.
SUBNASCENT adj. growing up from beneath.
SUBSTANCESsubstances n. Plural of substance.
SUBSTANCE n. something in which qualities or attributes exist.
SUBSTATIONsubstation n. A site where electricity supplied by long-distance (high-voltage) transmission lines is transformed…
substation n. A satellite police station serving one neighborhood or part of a larger jurisdiction.
sub-station n. (Electricity) Alternative form of substation.
SUBSTERNALsubsternal adj. (Anatomy) under the sternum.
SUBSTERNAL adj. positioned below the breastbone.
SUBTENANTSsubtenants n. Plural of subtenant.
subtenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subtenant.
sub-tenants n. Plural of sub-tenant.
SUNBATHERSsunbathers n. Plural of sunbather.
SUNBATHER n. one who sunbathes.
UNBAPTISESunbaptises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbaptise.
UNBAPTISE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTIZE.
UNSTABLESTunstablest adj. Superlative form of unstable: most unstable.
UNSTABLE adj. not stable, also INSTABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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