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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, B, N, O, P, R and T

ABRUPTIONSabruptions n. Plural of abruption.
ABRUPTION n. a sudden, violent separation.
ABSORPTIONabsorption n. The act or process of absorbing or of being absorbed as…
absorption n. Entire engrossment or occupation of the mind.
absorption n. Mental assimilation.
BEANSPROUTbeansprout n. Alternative form of bean sprout.
bean␣sprout n. (Chiefly in the plural) A sprout of the mung bean.
bean␣sprout n. (Chiefly in the plural) A sprout of the soybean.
BIOPARENTSbioparents n. Plural of bioparent.
BIOPARENT n. a biological parent, not a stepparent.
BREAKPOINTbreakpoint n. (Programming) A point in a program at which operation may be interrupted during debugging so that the…
breakpoint n. (Meteorology) A location referred to when issuing watches, warnings, or advisories for specific areas.
breakpoint n. (Physics) The point where surface water waves are breaking in, e.g., oceans or lakes.
HYPERBATONhyperbaton n. (Grammar) An inversion of the usual or logical order of words or phrases, for emphasis or poetic effect.
hyperbaton n. (Rhetoric) Adding a word or thought to a sentence that is already semantically complete, thus drawing…
HYPERBATON n. the use, esp. for emphasis, of a word order other than the expected or usual one, as in 'Bird thou never wert'.
PREOBTAINSpreobtains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preobtain.
PREOBTAIN v. to obtain in advance.
PROBATIONSprobations n. Plural of probation.
PROBATION n. the act of proving; also, that which proves anything; proof.
SAPROBIONTsaprobiont n. Synonym of saprobe.
SAPROBIONT n. any organism, esp. a fungus or bacterium, that lives and feeds on dead organic matter, also SAPROTROPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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