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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, B, L, R, T and 2U

BICULTURALbicultural adj. Adapted to two separate cultures.
bicultural n. A person belonging to two cultures.
BICULTURAL adj. having two cultures.
CUCURBITALcucurbital adj. Cucurbitaceous.
CUCURBITAL adj. of or like a cucurbit.
CULTURABLEculturable adj. (Biology) Able to be cultured (grown in a suitable environment).
CULTURABLE adj. that can be cultured.
ELUCUBRATEelucubrate v. To solve, write or compose by working studiously at night; to study.
ELUCUBRATE v. to work out or express by studious effort; to burn the midnight oil.
LUCUBRATEDlucubrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of lucubrate.
LUCUBRATE v. to study by lamplight; to discourse learnedly or pedantically.
LUCUBRATESlucubrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lucubrate.
LUCUBRATE v. to study by lamplight; to discourse learnedly or pedantically.
LUCUBRATORlucubrator n. One who lucubrates.
LUCUBRATOR n. a person who studies during the night.
NURTURABLEnurturable adj. Able to be nurtured.
NURTURABLE adj. that can be nurtured.
RUPTURABLErupturable adj. Capable of being ruptured.
RUPTURABLE adj. that can be ruptured.
SUBCRUSTALsubcrustal adj. (Geology) Underneath the crust (of the Earth).
SUBCRUSTAL adj. relating to the subcrust, the part of the earth below the crust.
SUBNATURALsubnatural adj. (Physics) Describing spectroscopic lines that are narrower than those produced naturally.
subnatural adj. Below or beneath nature.
SUBNATURAL adj. almost natural.
SUBTITULARsubtitular adj. Relating to, or appearing in, a subtitle.
SUBTITULAR adj. having the nature of a subtitle.
TUBERCULARtubercular adj. Of, pertaining to, or having tuberculosis.
tubercular adj. Relating to or reminiscent of the wheezing sounds associated with the breathing of tuberculosis patients.
tubercular adj. Tuberculate.
TUBULARIANtubularian n. (Zoology) Any hydroid belonging to the former suborder Tubularida.
tubularian adj. Hydriform in a tubular shape with wide disc.
TUBULARIAN n. any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.
TUBULARITYtubularity n. The condition of being tubular.
TUBULARITY n. the state of being tubular.
TUBULATORSTUBULATOR n. one who tubulates.
TUBULATUREtubulature n. (Chemistry) A tubulure.
TUBULATURE n. tubes collectively.
TURBULATORturbulator n. A device that turns a laminar flow into a turbulent flow.
TURBULATOR n. a device which creates turbulence.
UNTURNABLEunturnable adj. Not turnable.
UNTURNABLE adj. that cannot be turned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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