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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, L, N, O and 2S

ABSOLVENTSabsolvents n. Plural of absolvent.
ABSOLVENT n. something that absolves.
ALBINOISMSalbinoisms n. Plural of albinoism.
ALBINOISM n. the state or condition of being an albino, also ALBINISM.
ANABOLISMSanabolisms n. Plural of anabolism.
ANABOLISM n. the constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from katabolism.
BASILICONSbasilicons n. Plural of basilicon.
BASILICON n. (Greek) any of several ointments supposed to possess sovereign virtues.
BONILASSESBONILASSE n. (Spenser) a bonny lass, also BONNILASSE.
BONNILASSEBONNILASSE n. (Spenser) a bonny lass, also BONILASSE.
BOOMSLANGSboomslangs n. Plural of boomslang.
BOOMSLANG n. (South African) a highly venomous southern African tree-snake.
CARBONLESScarbonless adj. Without carbon.
CARBONLESS adj. without carbon.
CONSTABLESconstables n. Plural of constable.
CONSTABLE n. a policeman or policewoman of the lowest rank.
ENDOBLASTSendoblasts n. Plural of endoblast.
ENDOBLAST n. the inner cell-layer of a gastrula, also ENTOBLAST.
ENTOBLASTSentoblasts n. Plural of entoblast.
ENTOBLAST n. the inner germ layer, the endoderm, also ENDOBLAST.
OBLATENESSoblateness n. (Uncountable) The state of being oblate.
oblateness n. (Countable) The degree to which something is oblate.
OBLATENESS n. the state of being oblate.
SEASONABLEseasonable adj. Opportune; occurring at an appropriate or suitable time.
seasonable adj. Appropriate to the current season of the year.
seasonable adj. (Obsolete) Ephemeral; lasting for just one season.
SEASONABLYseasonably adv. In due season; at an opportune or fitting time.
seasonably adv. Varying with the season.
seasonably adv. In a manner appropriate to the season.
SLABSTONESslabstones n. Plural of slabstone.
SLABSTONE n. flagstone.
SNOWBLADESsnowblades n. Plural of snowblade.
snowblades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snowblade.
SNOWBLADES n. short skis used without poles.
SUBLATIONSsublations n. Plural of sublation.
SUBLATION n. the act of taking or carrying away.
SUBNORMALSsubnormals n. Plural of subnormal.
SUBNORMAL n. one who is subnormal.
WOLFSBANESwolfsbanes n. Plural of wolfsbane.
WOLFSBANE n. a kind of aconite.
XENOBLASTSxenoblasts n. Plural of xenoblast.
XENOBLAST n. a type of mineral deposit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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