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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, B, L, M, O, T and U

ABLUTOMANEABLUTOMANE n. one obsessed with washing.
ABSOLUTISMabsolutism n. (Theology) Doctrine of preordination; doctrine of absolute decrees; doctrine that God acts in an absolute manner.
absolutism n. (Political science, sociology) The principles or practice of absolute or arbitrary government; despotism.
absolutism n. (Philosophy) Belief in a metaphysical absolute; belief in Absolute.
AMBULATIONambulation n. Walking.
AMBULATION n. the act of walking.
AMBULATORSambulators n. Plural of ambulator.
AMBULATOR n. one who walks about; a walker.
AMBULATORYambulatory adj. Of, relating to, or adapted to walking.
ambulatory adj. (Comparable, medicine) Able to walk about and not bedridden.
ambulatory adj. (Medicine) Performed on or involving an ambulatory patient or an outpatient.
AUTOJUMBLEautojumble n. (Britain) A sale of second-hand spare parts for old cars.
AUTOJUMBLE n. a jumble sale involving cars or car accessories.
AUTOMOBILEautomobile n. (US, Canada) A type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended…
automobile v. (Intransitive, dated) To travel by automobile.
automobile adj. Self-moving; self-propelled.
BUMMALOTISBUMMALOTI n. (Marathi) a small marine Asiatic fish used in India as a relish; aka Bombay duck, also BUMALO, BUMALOTI, BUMMALO.
COLUMBATEScolumbates n. Plural of columbate.
COLUMBATE n. a salt of columbic acid; a niobate.
COMMUTABLEcommutable adj. Capable of being commuted.
COMMUTABLE adj. able to be commuted.
COMPUTABLEcomputable adj. Capable of being computed, or enumerated.
computable adj. (Computing theory) Of a problem, solvable by a Turing machine or any thereto Turing-equivalent model;…
computable adj. (Mathematics) of a number, able to be approximated to arbitrary precision by a computable function.
CUSTOMABLEcustomable adj. (Obsolete) customary.
customable adj. (Obsolete) Subject to the payment of customs; dutiable.
CUSTOMABLE adj. (archaic) customary, common.
ETHAMBUTOLethambutol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic bacteriostatic antimycobacterial drug C10H24N2O2 that is a derivative of…
ETHAMBUTOL n. a drug used in the treatment of tuberculosis.
OUTGAMBLEDoutgambled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
OUTGAMBLESoutgambles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outgamble.
OUTGAMBLE v. to surpass at gambling.
SALBUTAMOLsalbutamol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic beta-agonist bronchodilator related to aspirin, administered in the form…
SALBUTAMOL n. a bronchodilator drug.
SUBOPTIMALsuboptimal adj. Worse than optimal.
sub-optimal adj. Alternative form of suboptimal.
SUBOPTIMAL adj. less than optimal.
TOXALBUMINtoxalbumin n. A protein which is toxic (i.e. organic and poisonous).
TOXALBUMIN n. any of a group of toxic albumins that occur in certain plants, such as toadstools, and in snake venom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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