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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, B, I, L, O, R and V

ABORTIVELYabortively adv. In an abortive or untimely manner; immaturely; fruitlessly.
ABORTIVE adv. failing to succeed.
ABSOLVITORabsolvitor n. (Scotland, law) A decision or decree made by a court in favour of the defendant in a given action; dismissal.
ABSOLVITOR n. in Scots law, a judgment favourable to a defender.
BEHAVIORALbehavioral adj. (American spelling) Of or relating to behavior.
BEHAVIORAL adj. (US) relating to behaviour, also BEHAVIOURAL.
FORGIVABLEforgivable adj. Able to be forgiven; worthy of forgiveness.
forgivable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Of a loan, or a portion of it: such that repayment may be deferred for a period…
FORGIVABLE adj. that can be forgiven.
FORGIVABLYforgivably adv. In a forgivable way.
FORGIVABLE adv. that can be forgiven.
IMPROVABLEimprovable adj. Capable of being improved.
improvable adj. Capable of being used to advantage; profitable.
improvable adj. Impossible to prove.
IMPROVABLYimprovably adv. So as to permit improvement.
improvably adv. In a way that cannot be proven.
IMPROVABLE adv. capable of being improved.
LABIOVELARlabiovelar adj. (Phonetics) co-articulated at the velum and the lips.
labiovelar n. (Phonetics) A labiovelar sound.
labio-velar n. Alternative spelling of labiovelar.
PROVERBIALproverbial adj. Of, resembling, or expressed as a proverb, cliché, fable, or fairy tale.
proverbial adj. Not used in a literal sense, but as the subject of a well-known metaphor.
proverbial adj. Widely known; famous; stereotypical.
PROVIDABLEprovidable adj. Capable of being provided.
PROVIDABLE adj. that can be provided.
RIBOFLAVINriboflavin n. (Biochemistry) Yellow or orange-yellow water-soluble compound, a member of the vitamin B complex, that…
RIBOFLAVIN n. a member of vitamin B complex, in yellowish-brown crystals, promoting growth in children, also RIBOFLAVINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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