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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing A, B, G, I, 2R and S

ABHORRINGSabhorrings n. Plural of abhorring.
ABHORRING n. an object of abhorrence.
ARBITRAGESarbitrages n. Plural of arbitrage.
arbitrages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arbitrage.
ARBITRAGE v. to exploit the market in this way.
ARBORISINGarborising v. Present participle of arborise.
ARBORISE v. to form many branches, also ARBORIZE.
BARGAINERSbargainers n. Plural of bargainer.
BARGAINER n. one who bargains.
BESTARRINGbestarring v. Present participle of bestar.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
BIGARREAUSBIGARREAU n. any of several heart-shaped varieties of cherry, also BIGAROON.
BRIGADIERSbrigadiers n. Plural of brigadier.
BRIGADIER n. an officer having command of a brigade, ranking above a colonel.
BURGLARIESburglaries n. Plural of burglary.
BURGLARY n. a felonious theft.
BURGLARISEburglarise v. Rare spelling of burglarize.
BURGLARISE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARIZE.
DISBARRINGdisbarring v. Present participle of disbar.
disbarring n. A disbarment.
DISBAR v. to expel from the legal profession.
EMBARRINGSEMBARRING n. the act of shutting in.
GRASSBIRDSgrassbirds n. Plural of grassbird.
GRASSBIRD n. an Australasian warbler with streaked brown plumage.
HAGBERRIEShagberries n. Plural of hagberry.
HAGBERRY n. a genus of trees related to the elm, but bearing drupes with scanty, but often edible, pulp, also HACKBERRY.
HARBINGERSharbingers n. Plural of harbinger.
HARBINGER n. a forerunner; something that indicates what is to come.
RIBGRASSESribgrasses n. Plural of ribgrass.
RIBGRASS n. a weedy plant, also RIBWORT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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