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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, B, E, I, S, T and V

ABSOLUTIVEabsolutive adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to the grammatical case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action.
absolutive adj. (Rare) Of, exhibiting, or pertaining to absolution; absolutory, absolving.
absolutive n. (Grammar) The absolutive case, or a phrase that uses it.
ABSORPTIVEabsorptive adj. Having power, capacity, or tendency to absorb or imbibe; absorbent.
absorptive n. Any substance that absorbs.
ABSORPTIVE adj. capable of absorbing.
ABSTERSIVEabstersive adj. Cleansing; purging; abstergent.
abstersive n. (Now rare) Something cleansing; detergent; abstergent.
ABSTERSIVE adj. serving to cleanse or purge.
BIVARIATESbivariates n. Plural of bivariate.
BIVARIATE n. a formula involving two variables.
INVESTABLEinvestable adj. (Finance) Able to be invested; ready for investment; liquid.
INVESTABLE adj. capable of being invested, also INVESTIBLE.
LAMBITIVESlambitives n. Plural of lambitive.
LAMBITIVE n. (obsolete) a medicine taken by licking.
REVIBRATESrevibrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revibrate.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
RIVERBOATSriverboats n. Plural of riverboat.
RIVERBOAT n. a boat used for river transport.
SEMBLATIVEsemblative adj. (Obsolete) Resembling.
semblative n. (Grammar) A grammatical case that denotes the similarity of one entity to another.
SEMBLATIVE adj. (obsolete) resembling.
SUBVARIETYsubvariety n. A secondary or subsidiary variety.
subvariety n. (Botany) A rank below that of variety.
SUBVARIETY n. a subordinate variety, or a division of a variety.
VERBALISTSverbalists n. Plural of verbalist.
VERBALIST n. a person dealing in or concentrating on mere words rather than reality or meaning.
VESTIBULARvestibular adj. Of or pertaining to a vestibule in a building.
vestibular adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or functioning as a vestibule (body cavity).
vestibular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the vestibule of the inner ear and the perception of body position, balance…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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