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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, E, F, I, L and R

AFFIRMABLEaffirmable adj. Able to be affirmed.
AFFIRMABLE adj. that can be affirmed.
CLOFIBRATEclofibrate n. (Pharmacology) A compound C12H15ClO3 used especially to lower abnormally high concentrations of fats…
CLOFIBRATE n. a lipid-lowering drug that is used to reduce high levels of fat and cholesterol.
FEBRICULASfebriculas n. Plural of febricula.
FEBRICULA n. a slight short fever, also FEBRICULE.
FEBRIFUGALfebrifugal adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against or preventing fever.
FEBRIFUGAL adj. having the quality of mitigating or curing fever.
FIBERGLASSfiberglass n. (American spelling) Alternative form of fibreglass.
fiberglass v. (American spelling) Alternative form of fibreglass.
FIBERGLASS v. (US) to coat with fiberglass, a synthetic fibre made of fine filaments of molten glass, also FIBREGLASS.
FIBREGLASSfibreglass n. Silica based glass extruded into fibers that possess a length at least 1000 times greater than their width.
fibreglass n. Ellipsis of fibreglass wool.
fibreglass n. A composite material made from fine fibres of spun glass held together with resin.
FIBRILLATEfibrillate v. (Intransitive) To make rapid irregular movements.
FIBRILLATE v. to undergo fibrillation.
FILTERABLEfilterable adj. Able to be separated by filtration.
filterable adj. That can pass through a specified filter.
FILTERABLE adj. capable of being filtered, also FILTRABLE.
FIREBALLERfireballer n. (Baseball) A pitcher who throws very fast balls.
FIREBALLER n. a baseball pitcher known for throwing fastballs.
FORGIVABLEforgivable adj. Able to be forgiven; worthy of forgiveness.
forgivable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Of a loan, or a portion of it: such that repayment may be deferred for a period…
FORGIVABLE adj. that can be forgiven.
FORMIDABLEformidable adj. Causing fear, dread, awe, or discouragement as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive…
formidable adj. Difficult to defeat or overcome.
FORMIDABLE adj. causing fear.
INFERRABLEinferrable adj. Alternative spelling of inferable.
INFERRABLE adj. that can be inferred, also INFERABLE, INFERIBLE, INFERRIBLE.
INFORMABLEINFORMABLE adj. that can be informed.
PILFERABLEpilferable adj. That can be pilfered.
PILFERABLE adj. that can be pilfered.
PROFITABLEprofitable adj. Producing a profit.
profitable adj. Beneficial, serviceable, of use.
PROFITABLE adj. yielding profit.
RAREFIABLErarefiable adj. Capable of being rarefied.
RAREFIABLE adj. capable of being rarefied.
RATIFIABLEratifiable adj. Capable of being ratified.
RATIFIABLE adj. that can be ratified.
REFILLABLErefillable adj. Capable of being filled again.
refillable n. Any product that can be refilled.
REFILLABLE adj. that can be refilled.
VERIFIABLEverifiable adj. Able to be verified or confirmed.
verifiable adj. Able to be qualified by a Boolean expression.
verifiable n. (Logic) A statement or observation that can be verified.
VERIFIABLYverifiably adv. In a verifiable manner.
VERIFIABLE adv. that can be verified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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