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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, B, 2E, M, R and U

DEMURRABLEdemurrable adj. That may be demurred to.
DEMURRABLE adj. that may be demurred to.
DRUMBEATERdrumbeater n. One who beats a drum.
drumbeater n. (Figuratively) A propagandist.
DRUMBEATER n. one who makes drumbeats.
EMBRASUREDembrasured adj. Having embrasures.
EMBRASURED adj. having an embrasure, a loophole in fortifications.
EMBRASURESembrasures n. Plural of embrasure.
EMBRASURE n. (French) a loophole in fortifications; a window-opening with slanted sides, also EMBRAZURE.
EMBRAZURESembrazures n. Plural of embrazure.
EMBRAZURE n. (French) a loophole in fortifications; a window-opening with slanted sides, also EMBRASURE.
ENUMERABLEenumerable adj. Capable of being enumerated; countable.
ENUMERABLE adj. that can be counted.
LEBENSRAUMlebensraum n. (Chiefly with reference to nations and peoples) Hitherto unoccupied “living space” claimed as one’s…
Lebensraum prop.n. (In German history from the mid-nineteenth to mid-twentieth Centuries) Territories considered appropriate…
LEBENSRAUM n. (German) room to live (and, if necessary, expand); specifically, territory claimed as necessary for economic growth (as by the Nazis).
MEASURABLEmeasurable adj. Able to be measured.
measurable adj. Of significant importance.
measurable n. That which can be measured; a metric.
MENSURABLEmensurable adj. Measurable.
mensurable adj. (Music) Having a fixed rhythm.
MENSURABLE adj. capable of being measured.
NUMBERABLEnumberable adj. Capable of being numbered or counted.
NUMBERABLE adj. that can be numbered.
PERMUTABLEpermutable adj. Able to be permuted.
PERMUTABLE adj. that can be permuted.
PRESUMABLEpresumable adj. Capable of being presumed.
PRESUMABLE adj. to be presumed.
SUNBEAMIERSUNBEAMY adj. full of sunbeams.
UMBRELLAEDumbrellaed adj. Covered by or carrying an umbrella.
umbrellaed adj. (Figuratively) Under an umbrella.
umbrellaed v. Simple past tense and past participle of umbrella.
WAVENUMBERwavenumber n. (Mathematics, physics) A measure of the number of waves in unit distance; inversely proportional to its wavelength.
wave␣number n. Alternative spelling of wavenumber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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