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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, B, 2E, 2I and L

BENEFICIALbeneficial adj. Helpful or good to something or someone.
beneficial adj. Relating to a benefice.
beneficial n. Something that is beneficial.
BESTIALISEbestialise v. Alternative form of bestialize.
BESTIALISE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALIZE.
BESTIALIZEbestialize v. To make like a beast.
bestialize v. To bring or reduce to the state or condition of a beast.
BESTIALIZE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALISE.
CELIBACIEScelibacies n. Plural of celibacy.
CELIBACY n. abstention from sexual intercourse.
DEBILITATEdebilitate v. (Transitive) To make feeble; to weaken.
DEBILITATE v. to make weak.
DIABLERIESdiableries n. Plural of diablerie.
DIABLERY n. black magic; sorcery, also DIABLERIE.
ELICITABLEelicitable adj. That may be elicited.
ELICITABLE adj. that can be elicited.
ELIMINABLEeliminable adj. Able to be eliminated.
ELIMINABLE adj. that can be eliminated.
INERASIBLEINERASIBLE adj. that cannot be erased, also INERASABLE.
INEVITABLEinevitable adj. Impossible to avoid or prevent.
inevitable adj. Predictable or always happening.
inevitable n. Something that is predictable, necessary, or cannot be avoided.
INEXPIABLEinexpiable adj. That cannot be expiated or atoned for; unforgivable.
INEXPIABLE adj. that cannot be expiated or atoned for.
INFEASIBLEinfeasible adj. Not feasible.
INFEASIBLE adj. not feasible, also UNFEASIBLE.
ISABELLINEisabelline adj. Coloured a greyish yellow.
Isabelline adj. Of or related to Isabella I of Castile.
Isabelline adj. Of a style of Spanish Gothic architecture that flourished under Isabella I of Castile.
LIBERALISEliberalise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of liberalize.
LIBERALISE v. to make liberal or more liberal, also LIBERALIZE.
LIBERALIZEliberalize v. (Transitive) to make liberal, free.
liberalize v. (Intransitive) to become liberal, free.
LIBERALIZE v. to make liberal or more liberal, also LIBERALISE.
VERIFIABLEverifiable adj. Able to be verified or confirmed.
verifiable adj. Able to be qualified by a Boolean expression.
verifiable n. (Logic) A statement or observation that can be verified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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