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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, B, D, E, 2I and M

ADMISSIBLEadmissible adj. Capable or deserving to be admitted, accepted or allowed; allowable, permissible, acceptable.
admissible adj. (Artificial intelligence) Describing a heuristic that never overestimates the cost of reaching a goal.
ADMISSIBLE adj. that can be admitted, also ADMITTABLE.
AMBITIONEDambitioned adj. Having ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
BIOMEDICALbiomedical adj. Of or pertaining to biomedicine.
biomedical n. A product of the biomedicine industry.
BIOMEDICAL adj. relating to both biology and medicine.
BIPEDALISMbipedalism n. The habit of standing and walking on two feet; the state of being bipedal.
BIPEDALISM n. the state of being bipedal, having two legs.
BRIDEMAIDSbridemaids n. Plural of bridemaid.
BRIDEMAID n. a woman who is an attendant of a bride, also BRIDESMAID, BRIDEMAIDEN.
BRIDESMAIDbridesmaid n. A woman who attends a bride during her wedding ceremony, as part of the main wedding party.
bridesmaid n. (Sports, entertainment) A person or team that perennially finishes well, but never first.
bridesmaid v. To act as a bridesmaid for; to attend a bride during her wedding ceremony.
EMBRAIDINGembraiding v. Present participle of embraid.
EMBRAID v. (Spenser) to braid, also EMBREAD.
FIMBRIATEDfimbriated adj. Having a fringed border…
fimbriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fimbriate.
FIMBRIATE v. to border with a narrow band or edge.
IMBRICATEDimbricated adj. Overlapping, like scales or roof-tiles; intertwined.
IMBRICATE v. to lay overlapping one another.
MISBIASSEDMISBIAS v. to bias wrongly.
MODIFIABLEmodifiable adj. Capable of being modified; subject to modification.
MODIFIABLE adj. that can be modified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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