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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, L, O, R and U

BACULIFORMbaculiform adj. Shaped like a bacillus; rod-shaped.
BACULIFORM adj. rod-shaped.
BECLAMOURSbeclamours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of beclamour.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
BINOCULARSbinoculars n. A hand-held device consisting of a series of lenses and prisms, used to magnify objects so that they…
BINOCULAR n. a binocular telescope.
CALEMBOURScalembours n. Plural of calembour.
CALEMBOUR n. (French) a pun.
COLOURABLEcolourable adj. (Obsolete) Colourful.
colourable adj. Apparently true; specious; potentially justifiable.
colourable adj. (Now rare, sometimes law) Deceptive; fake, misleading.
COLOURABLYcolourably adv. Alternative form of colorably.
COLOURABLE adv. that can be coloured, also COLORABLE.
COLUBRIADSCOLUBRIAD n. (Cowper) the epic of a snake.
COLUMBARIAcolumbaria n. Plural of columbarium.
COLUMBARIUM n. (Latin) a vault with niches for storing urns; a dovecote or pigeon house.
CONFABULARconfabular adj. Of or pertaining to confabulation.
CONFABULAR adj. relating to confabulation, the fabrication of past experiences, either consciously or unconsciously to make up for loss of memory.
CORBICULAEcorbiculae n. Plural of corbicula.
CORBICULA n. (Latin) the pollen basket of bees, consisting of the dilated posterior tibia with its fringe of long hairs.
COURBARILScourbarils n. Plural of courbaril.
COURBARIL n. the West Indian locust-tree.
LAMBRUSCOSLambruscos n. Plural of Lambrusco.
LAMBRUSCO n. (Italian) an Italian sparkling wine.
LUBRICATORlubricator n. A device that lubricates, that applies lubricant.
lubricator n. A person employed to lubricate.
LUBRICATOR n. one who, or that which, lubricates.
LUCUBRATORlucubrator n. One who lucubrates.
LUCUBRATOR n. a person who studies during the night.
ORBICULATEorbiculate adj. Spherical or circular; orbicular.
orbiculate n. That which is orbiculate, especially a solid whose vertical section is oval and whose horizontal section is circular.
ORBICULATE adj. having the shape of a solid the vertical section of which is oval, and the horizontal section circular, also ORBICULATED.
PROCURABLEprocurable adj. Able to be procured.
PROCURABLE adj. capable of being procured.
RECOUPABLErecoupable adj. Able to be recouped.
RECOUPABLE adj. that can be recouped.
SCABROUSLYscabrously adv. In a scabrous way.
SCABROUS adv. roughened with small projections, also SCABRID.
SUCCORABLEsuccorable adj. Capable of being succored or assisted; admitting of relief.
SUCCORABLE adj. that can be succored, also SUCCOURABLE.
VOCABULARYvocabulary n. A usually alphabetized and explained collection of words e.g. of a particular field, or prepared for…
vocabulary n. The collection of words a person knows and uses.
vocabulary n. The stock of words used in a particular field.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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