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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, H, R, S and U

BACKRUSHESbackrushes n. Plural of backrush.
BACKRUSH n. the seaward return of water from a wave.
BRUSCHETTAbruschetta n. A light Italian dish of toasted bread with a topping of olive oil, garlic and chopped tomatoes.
BRUSCHETTA n. (Italian) toasted ciabatta or other bread coated with olive oil and topped with grilled tomatoes etc.
BRUSHBACKSbrushbacks n. Plural of brushback.
BRUSHBACK n. a fastball intentionally thrown near the batter's head or body.
BUNCHGRASSbunchgrass n. Any of various grasses of the family Poaceae that grow in clumps rather than forming a sod or mat.
BUNCHGRASS n. a kind of West American grass, that grows in clumps.
BUSHCRAFTSbushcrafts n. Plural of bushcraft.
BUSHCRAFT n. practical knowledge of the bush and skill in its ways.
CARNAHUBAScarnahubas n. Plural of carnahuba.
CARNAHUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm tree yielding a fine yellowish wax, also CARNAUBA.
CHORIAMBUSchoriambus n. (Poetry) A metrical foot consisting of four syllables, of which the first and last are long, and the…
CHORIAMBUS n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBIC.
DEBAUCHERSdebauchers n. Plural of debaucher.
DEBAUCHER n. one who debauches.
HERBACEOUSherbaceous adj. (Botany) Not woody, lacking lignified tissues.
herbaceous adj. (Wine) Not woody in flavor.
herbaceous adj. (Dated) Feeding on herbs and soft plants.
KACHUMBERSKACHUMBER n. (Hindi) a salad of chopped onion, tomato, cucumber, and (sometimes) other vegetables.
MARSHBUCKSmarshbucks n. Plural of marshbuck.
marsh␣bucks n. Plural of marsh buck.
MARSHBUCK n. an antelope of Central Africa.
QUEBRACHOSquebrachos n. Plural of quebracho.
QUEBRACHO n. (Spanish) any of several tropical American trees and their timber or bark.
ROUGHBACKSROUGHBACK n. a rough-skinned flatfish.
SHABRACQUESHABRACQUE n. (historical) a trooper's housing or saddlecloth, also SHABRACK.
SUBCHANTERsubchanter n. An underchanter; a precentor’s deputy in a cathedral; a succentor.
SUBCHANTER n. a precentor's deputy; an officer or lay member of a cathedral who assists in chanting the litany.
SUBCHAPTERsubchapter n. A subsection of a chapter.
SUBCHAPTER n. a subordinate part of a chapter.
SUBCHARTERSUBCHARTER v. to rent a chartered vehicle.
SUBCHASERSsubchasers n. Plural of subchaser.
SUBCHASER n. a small manoeuvrable craft used in antisubmarine warfare.
TARBOUCHEStarbouches n. Plural of tarbouche.
TARBOUCHE n. (Arabic) a fez, a hat worn by Muslim men, also TARBOOSH, TARBOUSH, TARBUSH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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