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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, H, I, O and P

ACROPHOBIAacrophobia n. Phobia or strong fear of being high above ground level.
ACROPHOBIA n. fear of heights.
ACROPHOBICacrophobic adj. Of or pertaining to or suffering from acrophobia.
acrophobic n. A person who has acrophobia.
ACROPHOBIC adj. suffering from acrophobia, fear of heights.
AEROPHOBICaerophobic adj. Having a fear of flying in aircraft.
aerophobic adj. Disliking or avoiding air.
AEROPHOBIC adj. having a morbid fear of draughts or of flying.
AMPHIBOLICamphibolic adj. Of, pertaining to or exhibiting amphiboly; ambiguous; equivocal.
amphibolic adj. (Geology) Of, resembling or containing the mineral amphibole.
AMPHIBOLIC adj. able to turn both backwards and forwards; double-jointed.
AQUAPHOBICaquaphobic adj. Having aquaphobia.
aquaphobic adj. Relating to aquaphobia.
aquaphobic n. An aquaphobe.
ARCHBISHOParchbishop n. A senior bishop who is in charge of an archdiocese, and presides over a group of dioceses called a province…
ARCHBISHOP n. a bishop at the head of an ecclesiastical province or one of equivalent honorary rank.
BAPHOMETICBaphometic adj. Relating to Baphomet.
BAPHOMETIC adj. relating to Baphomet, a mysterious idol worshipped by the Templars.
BAROPHILICbarophilic adj. Of or relating to a barophile.
barophilic adj. Thriving under high barometric pressure.
BAROPHILIC adj. of bacteria, able to tolerate or growing best in conditions of high atmospheric pressure, also BAROPHILE.
BASOPHILICbasophilic adj. Easily stained with basic dyes, such as haematoxylin.
BASOPHILIC adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for stains, also BASOPHIL, BASOPHILE.
BIOGRAPHICbiographic adj. Biographical.
BIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to biography, also BIOGRAPHICAL.
BRACHIOPODbrachiopod n. Any of many marine invertebrates, of the phylum Brachiopoda, that have bivalve dorsal and ventral shells…
BRACHIOPOD n. a bivalve marine invertebrate.
CANOPHOBIACANOPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of dogs.
CHIPBOARDSchipboards n. Plural of chipboard.
CHIPBOARD n. reconstructed wood made from compressed chippings.
CYNOPHOBIAcynophobia n. An irrational fear or hatred of dogs or other canines.
CYNOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of dogs.
ECOPHOBIASECOPHOBIA n. fear of one's home surroundings.
TOCOPHOBIAtocophobia n. Alternative spelling of tokophobia.
TOCOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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