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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, G, I, N and R

ABREACTINGabreacting v. Present participle of abreact.
ABREACT v. to resolve a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ACERBATINGacerbating v. Present participle of acerbate.
ACERBATE v. to embitter, to irritate.
BACKFIRINGbackfiring v. Present participle of backfire.
backfiring n. A failure that leads to further misfortune.
backfiring n. The occurrence of a backfire.
BARBECUINGbarbecuing v. Present participle of barbecue.
BARBECUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBEQUE.
BARRACKINGbarracking v. Present participle of barrack.
barracking n. An act of jeering or heckling.
barracking n. (Australia, New Zealand) The act of cheering for or supporting a team.
BECHARMINGbecharming v. Present participle of becharm.
BECHARM v. to enchant.
BECRAWLINGbecrawling v. Present participle of becrawl.
BECRAWL v. to creep over.
BRACKETINGbracketing v. Present participle of bracket.
bracketing n. (Architecture) A series or group of brackets; brackets, collectively.
bracketing n. The act of enclosing (Text, etc.) in brackets.
BRANCHINGSbranchings n. Plural of branching.
BRANCHING n. the formation of a branch.
BRATTICINGbratticing v. Present participle of brattice.
bratticing n. The material used for forming brattices.
BRATTICING n. work in the form of brattices; cresting or ornamental work along a ridge.
BRAUNCHINGbraunching v. Present participle of braunch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
BUCKRAMINGbuckraming v. Present participle of buckram.
BUCKRAM v. to pad or stiffen with buckram.
CAMBERINGScamberings n. Plural of cambering.
CAMBERING n. a type of rock-folding that forms rounded hills.
CHAMBERINGchambering v. Present participle of chamber.
chambering n. The chamber of a gun or other firearm.
CHAMBERING n. lewd or wanton behaviour.
CLABBERINGclabbering v. Present participle of clabber.
CLABBER v. to curdle, turn sour.
CLAMBERINGclambering v. Present participle of clamber.
clambering n. The act of one who clambers.
CLAMBER v. to climb awkwardly.
FABRICKINGfabricking v. Present participle of fabric.
FABRICKING n. the act of fashioning.
SCRABBLINGscrabbling v. Present participle of scrabble.
scrabbling n. A sound or motion that scrabbles.
SCRABBLING n. the act of groping about frantically.
SCRAMBLINGscrambling v. Present participle of scramble.
scrambling n. The act by which something is scrambled.
scrambling adj. Confused and irregular; awkward; scambling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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