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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, B, C, D, L, N and U

CARBUNCLEDcarbuncled adj. Set with carbuncles (red precious stones).
carbuncled adj. Affected with a carbuncle or carbuncles; marked with red sores; pimpled and blotched.
CARBUNCLED adj. having carbuncles.
INCLUDABLEincludable adj. Alternative form of includible.
includable n. One who or that which is eligible to be included.
INCLUDABLE adj. that can be included, also INCLUDIBLE.
INEDUCABLEineducable adj. Incapable of being educated; not educable.
INEDUCABLE adj. incapable of being educated.
MANDUCABLEmanducable adj. (Archaic) Capable of being chewed; eatable.
MANDUCABLE adj. edible or soft enough to chew.
SCRUBLANDSscrublands n. Plural of scrubland.
SCRUBLAND n. land covered by scrub.
SUBDECANALsubdecanal adj. Of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
SUBDECANAL adj. of or pertaining to a subdean or subdeanery.
UNBALANCEDunbalanced adj. Not balanced, without equilibrium; dizzy.
unbalanced adj. Irrational or mentally deranged.
unbalanced adj. (Accounting) not adjusted such that debit and credit correspond.
UNBLEACHEDunbleached adj. Not bleached.
UNBLEACHED adj. not bleached.
UNEDUCABLEuneducable adj. Incapable of being educated.
UNEDUCABLE adj. not educable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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