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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 7 ten-letter words containing A, B, 2C, E, S and U

BUCCANEERSbuccaneers n. Plural of buccaneer.
BUCCANEER v. to act as a buccaneer, also BUCCANIER.
BUCCANIERSbuccaniers n. Plural of buccanier.
buccaniers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of buccanier.
BUCCANIER v. to act as a buccaneer, a pirate, originally of the Spanish-American coasts; an unscrupulous adventurer, also BUCCANEER.
CARBUNCLEScarbuncles n. Plural of carbuncle.
CARBUNCLE n. a fiery-red precious stone, aka almandine.
CUMBRANCEScumbrances n. Plural of cumbrance.
CUMBRANCE n. an encumbrance.
SUBJACENCYsubjacency n. The state of being subjacent.
subjacency n. (Linguistics) A constraint on the movement of elements whereby an element cannot move into a specifier…
SUBJACENCY n. the state of being subjacent, underlying.
SUBOCEANICsuboceanic adj. Beneath the surface of the ocean.
SUBOCEANIC adj. below the ocean.
SUCCORABLEsuccorable adj. Capable of being succored or assisted; admitting of relief.
SUCCORABLE adj. that can be succored, also SUCCOURABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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