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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, 2B, E, N, R and U

BACKBURNEDbackburned v. Simple past tense and past participle of backburn.
BACKBURN v. to set a fire in order to halt the spread of another fire.
BARBECUINGbarbecuing v. Present participle of barbecue.
BARBECUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBEQUE.
BARBEQUINGbarbequing v. Present participle of barbeque.
BARBEQUE v. to grill over an open fire, also BARBECUE.
BARNBURNERbarnburner n. (Idiomatic) An extremely exciting or successful event or person.
barnburner n. One who burns down a barn.
barnburner n. (Slang, chiefly Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, Maryland) a strike-anywhere match.
BASEBURNERbaseburner n. A type of stove that automatically re-adds coal, when needed, to the base using a hopper.
base-burner n. Alternative form of baseburner.
BASEBURNER n. a type of wood stove.
LANDLUBBERlandlubber n. (Nautical, derogatory) Someone unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship, especially a novice seaman.
LANDLUBBER n. a seaman's derogatory name for a landsman.
NUMBERABLEnumberable adj. Capable of being numbered or counted.
NUMBERABLE adj. that can be numbered.
UNABSORBEDunabsorbed adj. Not having been absorbed.
UNABSORBED adj. not absorbed.
UNBARBEREDunbarbered adj. Not barbered.
UNBARBERED adj. not barbered.
UNBEARABLEunbearable adj. So unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable.
UNBEARABLE adj. that cannot be borne.
UNBEARABLYunbearably adv. In an unbearable manner, not bearably, in a way unable to be borne.
UNBEARABLE adv. that cannot be borne.
UNBRIBABLEunbribable adj. Who cannot be bribed.
UNBRIBABLE adj. not bribable.
UNBURNABLEunburnable adj. That is difficult or impossible to burn.
UNBURNABLE adj. that cannot be burned.
UNCURBABLEuncurbable adj. Incapable of being curbed.
UNCURBABLE adj. not capable of being curbed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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