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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing 2A, O, R, 2T and V

ACTIVATORSactivators n. Plural of activator.
ACTIVATOR n. one who activates.
AESTIVATORaestivator n. An animal that becomes dormant during the summer or dry season.
AESTIVATOR n. an animal that aestivates, also ESTIVATOR.
CAPTIVATORcaptivator n. A person who captivates, or holds one captive.
CAPTIVATOR n. one who captivates.
DEVASTATORdevastator n. One who devastates.
DEVASTATOR n. one who, or that which, devastates.
ROTAVATINGrotavating v. Present participle of rotavate.
ROTAVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTOVATE.
ROTAVATORSrotavators n. Plural of rotavator.
ROTAVATOR n. (tradename) a tool for breaking up the soil, also ROTOVATOR.
STARVATIONstarvation n. A condition of severe suffering due to a lack of nutrition.
starvation n. (Figurative) Severe shortage of resources.
starvation n. (Computer science) A state where a process is perpetually denied necessary resources to process its work.
TRAVELATORtravelator n. (Britain) A moving walkway; a slow conveyor belt that transports people horizontally or on an incline…
TRAVELATOR n. a moving footpath for pedestrians, also TRAVOLATOR.
TRAVOLATORtravolator n. Alternative form of travelator.
TRAVOLATOR n. a moving footpath for pedestrians, also TRAVELATOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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