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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2O, P, R and T

ANATROPOUSanatropous adj. (Botany, of an ovule) Having an inverted nucleus, whose apex points to the base.
ANATROPOUS adj. of an ovule, inverted so that the micropyle is next to the stalk.
APOCHROMATapochromat n. (Optics) A kind of lens corrected for chromatic and spherical aberration.
APOCHROMAT n. an apochromatic lens or instrument.
APOTROPAICapotropaic adj. (Religion, mysticism) Intended to ward off evil.
apotropaic n. An agent intended to ward off evil.
APOTROPAIC adj. averting or combating evil.
CAPODASTROCAPODASTRO n. (Italian) a moveable bridge secured over the fingerboard and strings of a guitar, also CAPOTASTO.
COMPARATORcomparator n. Any device for comparing a physical property of two objects, or an object with a standard.
comparator n. An electronic device that compares two voltages, currents or streams of data.
comparator n. (Law) anything that serves comparison.
EVAPORATORevaporator n. A piece of equipment used to evaporate the solvent from a solution.
evaporator n. The part of a refrigerator that absorbs heat by evaporating a refrigerant.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
LAPAROTOMYlaparotomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure for making an incision in the abdominal wall to gain access into the…
LAPAROTOMY n. a cutting through the walls of the abdomen, as in the Caesarean section.
PARADOCTORparadoctor n. (Rare) A doctor on a pararescue team.
PARADOCTOR n. a doctor who parachutes to patients in remote areas.
PARATROOPSparatroops n. Infantry soldiers deployed by parachute.
PARATROOPS n. troops carried by air.
PROCTODAEAproctodaea n. Plural of proctodaeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PRODROMATAprodromata n. Plural of prodroma.
PRODROME n. a prefatory work; an initial symptom of a disease, also PRODROMA, PRODROMUS.
PROPAGATORpropagator n. A person who disseminates news or rumour.
propagator n. A person who propagates plants.
propagator n. A covered, sometimes heated container for germinating seeds or raising seedlings.
PROTANOPIAprotanopia n. (Pathology) A form of color blindness. Involves a defect in distinguishing between red and green.
PROTANOPIA n. colour-blindness with respect to red.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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