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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, N, P, S and 2T

ACCEPTANTSacceptants n. Plural of acceptant.
ACCEPTANT n. one who accepts.
ANABAPTISTanabaptist n. Alternative form of Anabaptist.
Anabaptist n. A member of a radical wing of Christians during the Protestant Reformation (Such as a Mennonite, an…
Anabaptist n. A member of any of several present-day churches.
ANTIPASTOSantipastos n. Plural of antipasto.
ANTIPASTO n. (Italian) an hors d'oeuvre, an appetizer.
ANTISPASTSantispasts n. Plural of antispast.
ANTISPAST n. (Greek) a metrical foot comprising an iambus followed by a trochee.
APARTMENTSapartments n. Plural of apartment.
APARTMENT n. a separate room in a house, used or occupied by a particular person or party.
APATHATONSAPATHATON n. (Shakespeare) an epitheton, an epithet, also EPITHET, EPITHETON.
PANCRATISTpancratist n. An athlete or gymnast in Ancient Greece.
PANCRATIST n. an athlete; a gymnast.
PANTYWAISTpantywaist adj. (Informal, especially of a male person) Weak, timid, effeminate, ineffectual.
pantywaist n. (Informal, dated) An undergarment composed, in part, of panties attached to a waistband.
pantywaist n. (Informal, derogatory) An ineffectual, weak, or timid person, especially a boy or young man; a sissy.
PHANTASTICphantastic adj. Alternative form of fantastic.
phantastic n. (Obsolete) Any hallucinogenic drug.
PHANTASTIC n. a dandy, a fop.
PRACTISANTpractisant n. One who practises something; a practitioner.
practisant n. (Obsolete) An agent or confederate in treachery.
PRACTISANT n. (obsolete) a fellow conspirator.
PUTTANESCAputtanesca n. A cooking sauce made from tomato flavoured with garlic, anchovies, capers and olives, created in Naples.
puttanesca adj. (Usually postpositive) Served with puttanesca sauce.
SWEATPANTSsweatpants n. (US) Informal cotton trousers, with an elasticated or drawstring waist, used for exercise etc.
sweat␣pants n. Alternative spelling of sweatpants.
SWEATPANTS n. trousers of (usually thick) cotton material, with drawstring or elasticated waist and cuffs, as worn by athletes when warming up or after exercise.
TRANSEPTALtranseptal adj. Alternative form of transseptal.
transeptal adj. Relating to a transept.
TRANSEPTAL adj. of or like a transept, the part of a church off to one side of main structure.
TRANSPLANTtransplant v. (Transitive) To uproot (a growing plant), and plant it in another place.
transplant v. (Transitive) To remove (something) and establish its residence in another place; to resettle or relocate.
transplant v. (Transitive, medicine) To transfer (tissue or an organ) from one body to another, or from one part of…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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