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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, N, O, P, S and U

ANATROPOUSanatropous adj. (Botany, of an ovule) Having an inverted nucleus, whose apex points to the base.
ANATROPOUS adj. of an ovule, inverted so that the micropyle is next to the stalk.
ANDROPAUSEandropause n. The male equivalent of the menopause in women; characterised by a decline in libido and overall energy.
ANDROPAUSE n. the male menopause.
AQUAPONICSaquaponics n. (Agriculture) A sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics…
AQUAPORINSaquaporins n. Plural of aquaporin.
AQUAPORIN n. any of a group of proteins in a cell membrane that allow the passage of water across the membrane.
CANTALOUPScantaloups n. Plural of cantaloup.
CANTALOUP n. (Italian) a small musk melon with a ribbed skin, also CANTALOUPE.
DIAPHANOUSdiaphanous adj. Transparent or translucent; allowing light to pass through; capable of being seen through.
diaphanous adj. Of a fine, almost transparent, texture; gossamer; light and insubstantial.
diaphanous adj. (Physics) Isorefractive, having an identical refractive index.
MENOPAUSALmenopausal adj. Of, or pertaining to the menopause.
MENOPAUSAL adj. relating to the menopause, also MENOPAUSIC.
PARAMOUNTSparamounts n. Plural of paramount.
PARAMOUNT n. an overlord; a supreme ruler or proprietor.
PAULOWNIASpaulownias n. Plural of paulownia.
PAULOWNIA n. any tree of the Chinese and Japanese genus Paulownia, of the figwort family, with showy flowers.
PUZZOLANASpuzzolanas n. Plural of puzzolana.
PUZZOLANA n. (Italian) volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water, also POZZOLAN, POZZOLANA, POZZUOLANA.
UNPASTORALunpastoral adj. Not pastoral.
UNPASTORAL adj. not pastoral.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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