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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, M, N, O, S and U

ANADROMOUSanadromous adj. (Of a migratory fish) That lives in the sea and breeds in fresh water.
anadromous adj. (Botany) Of a fern in which the first veins in a frond segment are produced towards the apex of the frond.
ANADROMOUS adj. of fish, migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn in fresh water.
AUTOMATONSautomatons n. Plural of automaton.
AUTOMATON n. (Greek) a machine that imitates the movement of a living creature, activated by a concealed mechanism such as clockwork.
CATAMOUNTScatamounts n. Plural of catamount.
CATAMOUNT n. any of various large wild cats, applied esp. to the leopard, panther or ocelot, also CATAMOUNTAIN.
GRANULOMASgranulomas n. Plural of granuloma.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
MEIOFAUNASmeiofaunas n. Plural of meiofauna.
MEIOFAUNA n. animals less than 1 mm and larger than 0.1 mm across.
MENOPAUSALmenopausal adj. Of, or pertaining to the menopause.
MENOPAUSAL adj. relating to the menopause, also MENOPAUSIC.
MONOCAUSALmonocausal adj. Having a single cause.
PARAMOUNTSparamounts n. Plural of paramount.
PARAMOUNT n. an overlord; a supreme ruler or proprietor.
SANATORIUMsanatorium n. An institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence.
SANATORIUM n. a hospital, esp. for tuberculosis, also SANITARIUM, SANITORIUM.
SQUAMATIONsquamation n. (Zoology, uncountable) The condition or character of being covered with scales.
squamation n. (Zoology, countable) A particular arrangement of scales; a special mode or form of squamation.
squamation n. (Pathology, dermatology, countable) A scaly growth on the skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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