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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, L, O, R, S and Y

ANKYLOSAURankylosaur n. Synonym of ankylosaurus.
ANKYLOSAUR n. a kind of dinosaur with a club tail, also ANKYLOSAURUS.
ARAEOSTYLEaraeostyle n. (Architecture) intercolumniation.
ARAEOSTYLE n. a building or colonnade with columns four diameters or more apart, also AREOSTYLE.
ASTROLATRYastrolatry n. The worship of the stars.
ASTROLATRY n. worship of stars.
CARBAMOYLScarbamoyls n. Plural of carbamoyl.
CARBAMOYL n. a radical derived from carbamic acid, also CARBAMYL.
CYCLORAMAScycloramas n. Plural of cyclorama.
CYCLORAMA n. a circular panorama.
DAYSAILORSdaysailors n. Plural of daysailor.
DAYSAILOR n. a dayboat powered by sail, also DAYSAILER.
ESCALATORYescalatory adj. Involving or relating to escalation.
ESCALATORY adj. relating to escalation.
HYOPLASTRAhyoplastra n. Plural of hyoplastron.
HYOPLASTRON n. in a turtle's plastron, a plate between the hypoplastron and the entoplastron.
KARYOPLASMkaryoplasm n. Nucleoplasm.
KARYOPLASM n. nucleoplasm.
MYROBALANSmyrobalans n. Plural of myrobalan.
MYROBALAN n. the astringent fruit of an Indian tree, aka cherry-plum.
ORINASALLYORINASAL adv. of or relating to the mouth and nose, also ORONASAL.
PAROXYSMALparoxysmal adj. Of, pertaining to, causing or accompanied by paroxysms.
PAROXYSMAL adj. of the nature of a paroxysm.
PASTORALLYpastorally adv. In a pastoral manner.
pastorally adv. In the role of a pastor.
PASTORAL adv. of literature, music, or works of art, portraying rural life or the life of shepherds, esp. in an idealized or romantic form.
PLAYACTORSplayactors n. Plural of playactor.
play-actors n. Plural of play-actor.
PLAYACTOR n. one who playacts.
PORTRAYALSportrayals n. Plural of portrayal.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
REASONABLYreasonably adv. In accordance with reason.
reasonably adv. Fairly; satisfactorily; not extremely.
reasonably adv. Quite; fairly; satisfactorily.
ROYALMASTSroyal␣masts n. Plural of royal mast.
ROYALMAST n. the highest part of a mast.
SALUTATORYsalutatory adj. Characteristic of or relating to a salutation or greeting.
salutatory n. (Chiefly US) A greeting; an address, speech or article of greeting; the first editorial by the new editor…
salutatory n. (Obsolete) A place for saluting or greeting.
SLAVOCRACYslavocracy n. (US, chiefly historical) The persons or interest representing slavery politically, or wielding political…
SLAVOCRACY n. slave-owners collectively.
STATOLATRYstatolatry n. The worship of the state.
STATOLATRY n. the act or practice of idolizing the state.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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