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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, L, M, 2N and T

ANTIMONIALantimonial adj. (Dated, chemistry, pharmacology) Of or pertaining to antimony.
antimonial n. Any drug or medical preparation containing antimony.
ANTIMONIAL n. a drug containing antimony.
IMMANENTALIMMANENTAL adj. relating to the immanent.
LAMINATINGlaminating v. Present participle of laminate.
LAMINATE v. to compress into a thin plate.
LAMINATIONlamination n. The process of laminating, joining together thin layers.
lamination n. Something made by laminating.
lamination n. (Topology) A foliation of a closed subset of a manifold by subspaces of one dimension less.
LANTHANUMSlanthanums n. Plural of lanthanum.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
MALIGNANTSmalignants n. Plural of malignant.
MALIGNANT n. a supporter of the royalist cause during the English civil war.
MONACTINALmonactinal adj. (Zoology) Having a single ray.
MONACTINAL adj. of a sponge, having single-rayed spicules, also MONACT, MONACTINE.
NIDAMENTALnidamental adj. (Zoology) Used to describe an internal organ, in some elasmobranchs and molluscs, that secretes egg…
NIDAMENTAL adj. nest-forming.
NONMARITALnonmarital adj. Not in a marital relationship; unmarried to one another.
NONMARITAL adj. not marital.
ORNAMENTALornamental adj. Serving as an ornament; having no purpose other than to make more beautiful.
ornamental adj. (Of a plant, fish, etc.) Bred for aesthetic or decorative purposes.
ornamental n. An ornamental plant.
UNMATERNALunmaternal adj. Not maternal; not befitting a mother.
UNMATERNAL adj. not maternal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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