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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2L, P, R and S

ALLOGRAPHSallographs n. Plural of allograph.
ALLOGRAPH n. a writing, esp. a signature, for another, as opposed to an autograph.
ARPILLERASarpilleras n. Plural of arpillera.
ARPILLERA n. (Spanish) a pictorial Peruvian wall decoration consisting of colourful threads and scraps stitched on to a sackcloth backing.
ASPERGILLAaspergilla n. Plural of aspergillum.
ASPERGILLUM n. a holy water sprinkler, also ASPERGILL.
COLLAPSARScollapsars n. Plural of collapsar.
COLLAPSAR n. a black hole.
ENALAPRILSENALAPRIL n. an ace inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure.
NULLIPARASnulliparas n. Plural of nullipara.
NULLIPARA n. (Latin) a woman with no children.
PALAESTRALpalaestral adj. Alternative form of palestral.
PALAESTRAL adj. related to a palaestra, a wrestling school.
PALLIATORSpalliators n. Plural of palliator.
PALLIATOR n. one who palliates.
PARALALIASPARALALIA n. abnormality of speech sounds.
PARALEGALSparalegals n. Plural of paralegal.
PARALEGAL n. a person who assists a professional lawyer.
PARALLAXESparallaxes n. Plural of parallax.
PARALLAX n. an apparent optical displacement of an object.
PASTORALLYpastorally adv. In a pastoral manner.
pastorally adv. In the role of a pastor.
PASTORAL adv. of literature, music, or works of art, portraying rural life or the life of shepherds, esp. in an idealized or romantic form.
SAILPLANERsailplaner n. One who flies a sailplane.
SAILPLANER n. one who flies a sailplane.
WALLPAPERSwallpapers n. Plural of wallpaper.
wallpapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wallpaper.
WALLPAPER v. to cover with wallpaper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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