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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2L, N and 2T

CANTILLATEcantillate v. To chant, or to recite musically (especially in a synagogue).
CANTILLATE v. to chant or intone, esp. Hebrew scriptures in the Jewish liturgical service.
GALLANTESTgallantest adj. Superlative form of gallant: most gallant.
GALLANT adj. chivalrous.
INSTALLANTINSTALLANT n. one who instals another in an office.
MALTALENTSMALTALENT n. (Spenser) ill-will.
NATALITIALnatalitial adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a birthday.
NATALITIAL adj. of or pertaining to a birthday.
PLATTELANDplatteland n. (South Africa) country, countryside.
PLATTELAND n. (South African) rural districts.
TALLIATINGtalliating v. Present participle of talliate.
TALLIATE v. to lay a tallage upon.
TARANTELLAtarantella n. A rapid dance in 6/8 time, originating in Italy, or a piece of music for such a dance.
TARANTELLA n. (Italian) a lively, whirling South Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism.
TOPGALLANTtopgallant adj. (Nautical) Situated above the topmast and below the royal mast.
topgallant adj. Of the most superior quality; the best of its kind.
topgallant n. (Nautical) The sail suspended from the topmost section of a mast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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