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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, I, N, R, S and Z

ALIZARINESalizarines n. Plural of alizarine.
ALIZARINE n. (Arabic) a colouring principle found in madder, and now made artificially, also ALIZARIN.
ANARCHIZESanarchizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of anarchize.
ANARCHIZE v. to reduce to anarchy, also ANARCHISE.
BALZARINESbalzarines n. Plural of balzarine.
BALZARINE n. (French) a light cotton dress material.
CANCRIZANScancrizans n. (Music) A type of canon in which the imitating voice repeats the notes of the theme in reverse order.
CANCRIZANS adj. of a canon, having the imitating vocal part repeating the theme backwards.
CARNALIZEScarnalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carnalize.
CARNALIZE v. to sensualise, also CARNALISE.
FANTASIZERfantasizer n. Someone who indulges in fantasies.
FANTASIZER n. one who fantasises, also FANTASISER.
HANSARDIZEHansardize v. (UK, Commonwealth, politics, dated) To confront a Member of Parliament with his former opinions as recorded…
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
JANIZARIESjanizaries n. Plural of janizary.
JANIZARY n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISARY, JANISSARY, JANIZAR.
PAGANIZERSpaganizers n. Plural of paganizer.
PAGANIZER n. one who converts others to paganism, also PAGANISER.
STARGAZINGstargazing v. Present participle of stargaze.
stargazing n. The act of gazing at the stars; astronomy.
STARGAZING n. observation of the stars.
ZAMINDARISzamindaris n. Plural of zamindari.
ZAMINDARI n. (Hindi) the jurisdiction of a zamindar, also ZAMINDARY, ZEMINDARI, ZEMINDARY.
ZANAMIVIRSZANAMIVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of influenza.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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