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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 2A, I, N, P, S and U

AQUAPONICSaquaponics n. (Agriculture) A sustainable food production system that combines traditional aquaculture with hydroponics…
AQUAPORINSaquaporins n. Plural of aquaporin.
AQUAPORIN n. any of a group of proteins in a cell membrane that allow the passage of water across the membrane.
DIAPAUSINGdiapausing adj. Undergoing a diapause.
DIAPAUSE v. in insects and the embryos of some animals, to undergo a period of suspended animation and growth.
DIAPHANOUSdiaphanous adj. Transparent or translucent; allowing light to pass through; capable of being seen through.
diaphanous adj. Of a fine, almost transparent, texture; gossamer; light and insubstantial.
diaphanous adj. (Physics) Isorefractive, having an identical refractive index.
MANIPULARSMANIPULAR n. a soldier of a maniple.
MARSUPIANSmarsupians n. Plural of marsupian.
MARSUPIAN n. a pouched mammal, also MARSUPIAL.
NULLIPARASnulliparas n. Plural of nullipara.
NULLIPARA n. (Latin) a woman with no children.
PALANQUINSpalanquins n. Plural of palanquin.
PALANQUIN n. (Malay) a light litter for one passenger, also PALANKEEN.
PALUSTRIANPALUSTRIAN adj. of marshes, inhabiting marshes, also PALUSTRAL, PALUSTRINE.
PASQUILANTpasquilant n. One who lampoons.
PASQUILANT n. a lampooner.
PASQUINADEpasquinade n. A lampoon, originally as published in public; a satire or libel on someone.
pasquinade v. (Transitive) To satirize (someone) by using a pasquinade.
PASQUINADE n. (French) a lampoon posted in a public place.
PAULOWNIASpaulownias n. Plural of paulownia.
PAULOWNIA n. any tree of the Chinese and Japanese genus Paulownia, of the figwort family, with showy flowers.
PISCIFAUNAPISCIFAUNA n. the fish life of an area.
SPARGANIUMsparganium n. (Botany) Any of the plants of the genus Sparganium.
Sparganium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Typhaceae – the bur-reeds.
SPARGANIUM n. a plant of the bur-reed genus.
TARPAULINStarpaulins n. Plural of tarpaulin.
tarpaulins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tarpaulin.
TARPAULIN n. a strong linen or hempen cloth waterproofed with tar, also TARPAULING.
UNPARADISEunparadise v. (Transitive) To deprive of happiness like that of paradise; to make unhappy.
UNPARADISE v. to deprive of happiness like that of paradise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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