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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, I, L, O and 2P

APOPHYSIALapophysial adj. Alternative form of apophyseal.
APOPHYSIAL adj. relating to an apophysis, an expanded or projecting part of an organism, esp. of bone, also APOPHYSATE, APOPHYSEAL.
APPLICATORapplicator n. A tool or device used to apply a fluid or semi-fluid substance to a surface.
applicator n. A tubular device to insert a tampon into the vagina.
APPLICATOR n. a device used to applicate something.
APPROXIMALapproximal adj. Near or adjacent.
approximal adj. Contiguous.
APPROXIMAL adj. close together, next to.
HYPOPLASIAhypoplasia n. Underdevelopment or incomplete development of a tissue or organ, especially when caused by an inadequate…
HYPOPLASIA n. the incomplete development of an organ or part, also HYPOPLASTY.
PALINOPIASPALINOPIA n. a visual disorder in which the patient perceives a prolonged afterimage, also PALINOPSIA.
PALINOPSIApalinopsia n. A visual disturbance that causes images to persist to some extent even after their corresponding stimulus has left.
PALINOPSIA n. a visual disorder in which the patient perceives a prolonged afterimage, also PALINOPIA.
PALPATIONSpalpations n. Plural of palpation.
PALPATION n. the act of touching or feeling.
PANOPTICALPANOPTICAL adj. all-embracing; viewing all aspects, also PANOPTIC.
PAPILLOMASpapillomas n. Plural of papilloma.
PAPILLOMA n. a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc.
PAPULATIONpapulation n. (Medicine) The formation of papules.
PAPULATION n. the development of papillae or pimples.
PARAPODIALparapodial adj. Pertaining to the parapodium.
PARAPODIAL adj. relating to a parapodium, one of the lateral appendages of an annelid.
PIROPLASMApiroplasma n. (Epidemiology, microbiology) Babesia, a genus of hematozoa that invades the red blood cells of humans…
piroplasma n. Any of many other parasitic protozoa related to Babesia in order Piroplasmida.
PIROPLASMA n. a parasite causing cattle fever, aka babesia, also PIROPLASM.
POLYPHAGIApolyphagia n. An excessive appetite for food.
polyphagia n. (Zoology) The eating of many different types of food.
POLYPHAGIA n. the eating of excessive amounts, or many different kinds, of food.
SOPAIPILLAsopaipilla n. A small, crisp, puffy, deep-fried pastry often served with honey.
SOPAIPILLA n. a square of deep-fried dough often sweetened and eaten as dessert, also SOPAPILLA.
SOPAPILLASsopapillas n. Plural of sopapilla.
SOPAPILLA n. a square of deep-fried dough often sweetened and eaten as dessert, also SOPAIPILLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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