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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, I, L, 2M and S

AMORALISMSamoralisms n. Plural of amoralism.
AMORALISM n. the refusal to recognize the validity of any system of morality.
ANIMALISMSanimalisms n. Plural of animalism.
ANIMALISM n. physicality; the state of being actuated by mere animal appetites.
IMMANACLESimmanacles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of immanacle.
IMMANACLE v. (Milton) to put in manacles.
LAMBDACISMlambdacism n. (Phonology) A pronunciation shift whereby /l/ or other closely related phonemes are substituted for…
LAMBDACISM n. a fault in speaking or in composition, which consists in too frequent use of the letter l, or in doubling it erroneously, also LABDACISM.
MAGNALIUMSmagnaliums n. Plural of magnalium.
MAGNALIUM n. an alloy of magnesium and aluminum.
MAMMALIANSmammalians n. Plural of mammalian.
MAMMALIAN n. a mammal.
MARMALISEDmarmalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of marmalise.
MARMALISE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALIZE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMALISESmarmalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marmalise.
MARMALISE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALIZE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMALIZESmarmalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marmalize.
MARMALIZE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALISE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARTIALISMmartialism n. (Obsolete) The quality of being warlike; exercises suitable for war.
MARTIALISM n. the quality of being warlike; exercises suitable for war.
MAXIMALISTmaximalist adj. (Art, music, literature) Preferring redundancy; tending to do or provide more rather than less.
maximalist adj. (Politics, diplomacy) Aggressive, expansive.
maximalist adj. (Religion) Relating to religious or Biblical maximalism.
MELOMANIASMELOMANIA n. a mania for music.
SLAMMAKINSslammakins n. Plural of slammakin.
SLAMMAKIN n. (obsolete) a loose gown; a slovenly dressed woman, also SLAMMERKIN.
SUBMAXIMALsubmaximal adj. Less than maximal.
SUBMAXIMAL adj. below maximal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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