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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2A, 2I, M, N and P

AIRMANSHIPairmanship n. Skill in and knowledge of the work of navigating and operating an aircraft.
AIRMANSHIP n. skill in piloting or navigating aircraft.
AMPHIBIANSamphibians n. Plural of amphibian.
AMPHIBIAN n. any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Amphibia, typically living on land but breeding in water, that includes newts and salamanders, frogs and toads, and caecilians.
AMPHISCIANamphiscian adj. That lives in the tropics (and thus casts shadows northward and southward at different times of the year).
amphiscian n. One who lives in the tropics (and thus casts shadows northward and southward at different times of the year).
AMPHISCIAN n. an inhabitant of the torrid zone, whose shadow is thrown both ways.
AMPLIATIONampliation n. Enlargement; amplification.
ampliation n. (Law, civil law) A postponement of the decision of a cause for further consideration or reargument.
AMPLIATION n. enlargement; amplification.
DIPSOMANIAdipsomania n. (Pathology) Addiction to alcohol.
dipsomania n. Specifically periodic alcoholism, characterized by bouts of heavy drinking rather than continuous indulgence…
DIPSOMANIA n. an abnormal craving for alcohol.
HEMIANOPIAhemianopia n. (Ophthalmology) Alternative form of hemianopsia.
HEMIANOPIA n. a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees but half of an object looked at, also HEMIANOPSIA, HEMIOPIA, HEMIOPSIA.
IMPANATIONimpanation n. (Christianity) The actual, substantial presence of the body of Christ with the bread and wine of the…
IMPANATION n. in Eucharistic doctrine, the presence of the body and blood of Christ in the bread (and wine) after consecration.
INDAPAMIDEindapamide n. (Medicine) A particular sulphonamide diuretic drug.
INDAPAMIDE n. a synthetic thiazide drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure and oedema.
PANARITIUMpanaritium n. (Medicine) The purulent inflammation of a digit.
PANARITIUM n. a whitlow.
PARMIGIANAparmigiana adj. (Cooking) Cooked or served with Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.
parmigiana n. (In combination) Any dish in which a main ingredient is combined with cheese and coated with tomato…
PARMIGIANA adj. (Italian) made or covered with Parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANO.
PARMIGIANOParmigiano n. Synonym of Parmigiano-Reggiano (“parmesan cheese”).
PARMIGIANO n. (Italian) parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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