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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, M, O, P and S

ARCHOPLASMarchoplasm n. (Cytology, dated) The substance from which attraction spheres develop in mitotic cell division, and…
ARCHOPLASM n. the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome, formerly thought to be involved in the formation of the asters and spindle during mitosis, also ARCHIPLASM.
HYALOPLASMhyaloplasm n. (Microbiology) A structureless fluid in cells; cytosol.
HYALOPLASM n. the clear fluid part of protoplasm.
HYPOMANIAShypomanias n. Plural of hypomania.
HYPOMANIA n. slightly abnormal overactivity and elation.
OMOPHAGIASomophagias n. Plural of omophagia.
OMOPHAGIA n. the eating of raw flesh, also OMOPHAGY.
OOMPAHPAHSOOMPAHPAH n. an imitation of the sound of a tuba.
PARAMORPHSparamorphs n. Plural of paramorph.
PARAMORPH n. a pseudomorph formed by a change in molecular structure without change of chemical composition.
PHAENOGAMSphaenogams n. Plural of phaenogam.
PHAENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHENOGAM.
STAPHYLOMAstaphyloma n. (Medicine) An abnormal protrusion of the uveal tissue through the eyeball.
STAPHYLOMA n. a protrusion of any part of the globe of the eye; as, a staphyloma of the cornea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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