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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, I, 2N and O

ANACHRONICanachronic adj. Not in the correct date order. Chronologically incorrect.
ANACHRONIC adj. out of (chronological) order; out of date, also ANACHRONICAL.
ANHARMONICanharmonic adj. Not harmonic. Inharmonic.
anharmonic adj. (Mechanics) Exhibiting anharmonicity.
anharmonic adj. (Geometry) Describing the section of a line by four points, A, B, C, D, when their mutual distances…
ANHEDONIASanhedonias n. Plural of anhedonia.
ANHEDONIA n. an unresponsiveness to pleasure.
ANHELATIONanhelation n. (Uncountable, pulmonology, archaic) Breathing difficulty, shortness of breath.
anhelation n. (Figuratively, obsolete).
ANHELATION n. shortness of breath.
ANTHOMANIAanthomania n. An extravagant passion for flowers.
ANTHOMANIA n. an obsession with flowers.
ANTIPHONALantiphonal n. A book of antiphons or anthems sung or chanted at a liturgy; an antiphonary or antiphoner.
antiphonal n. An antiphon; a piece sung or chanted in an antiphonal manner.
antiphonal adj. (Music) Characterized by antiphones or antiphony; incorporating alternate, or responsive singing by…
DANTHONIASdanthonias n. Plural of danthonia.
DANTHONIA n. a tufted grass native to Australia and New Zealand.
HALCYONIANhalcyonian adj. Halcyon; calm.
HALCYONIAN adj. peaceful and happy, also HALCYONIC.
HOSANNAINGhosannaing v. Present participle of hosanna.
HOSANNA v. to shout with praise and adoration, also HOSANNAH.
INHALATIONinhalation n. The act of inhaling; inbreathing.
inhalation n. The substance (medicament) which is inhaled.
INHALATION n. the act or an instance of inhaling.
LANTHANOIDlanthanoid n. (Inorganic chemistry) lanthanide.
MADONNAISHMadonnaish adj. Like a Madonna.
MADONNAISH adj. like a madonna.
OUANANICHEouananiche n. (Dated) Alternative form of wananish.
OUANANICHE n. a landlocked variety of the Atlantic salmon, found in lakes in SE Canada.
XANTHATIONxanthation n. (Chemistry) Conversion into a xanthate.
XANTHATION n. the formation of a xanthate, a salt of xanthic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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