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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, 2I, R and S

AIRMANSHIPairmanship n. Skill in and knowledge of the work of navigating and operating an aircraft.
AIRMANSHIP n. skill in piloting or navigating aircraft.
APHRODISIAaphrodisia n. A state of sexual desire.
aphrodisia n. (Archaic) sexual intercourse.
Aphrodisia prop.n. (Historical) A festival celebrating the goddess Aphrodite, held throughout Ancient Greece, but of particular…
ARCHAICISMarchaicism n. (Linguistics) Alternative form of archaism.
ARCHAICISM n. an archaic expression.
ARCHAISINGarchaising v. Present participle of archaise.
ARCHAISE v. to use idioms, also ARCHAIZE.
ARCHAISTICarchaistic adj. Pertaining to an archaist; deliberately archaic, old-fashioned in an affected way.
archaistic n. Archaistic themes, motifs, items, etc.
ARCHAISTIC adj. like, or imitative of, anything archaic; pertaining to an archaism.
BILHARZIASbilharzias n. Plural of bilharzia.
BILHARZIA n. a disease caused by infestation of the body with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, aka schistosomiasis, also BILHARZIASIS, BILHARZIOSIS.
CHARIVARIScharivaris n. Plural of charivari.
CHARIVARI n. (French) a cacophonous mock-serenade performed for a wedding.
HIERATICASHIERATICA n. (Latin) the finest papyrus, used for Egyptian sacred writings.
MAHARISHISmaharishis n. Plural of maharishi.
MAHARISHI n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu teacher of mysticism and spiritual knowledge.
PHARISAISMpharisaism n. The doctrines and practices, or the character and spirit, of the Pharisees.
pharisaism n. (Chiefly Christianity) Rigid observance of external forms of religion without genuine piety; hypocrisy…
Pharisaism n. Alternative letter-case form of pharisaism.
SPHAERIDIAsphaeridia n. Plural of sphaeridium.
SPHAERIDIUM n. a minute spheroidal body on the surface of a sea urchin, perhaps a sense organ.
WARIBASHISWARIBASHI n. (Japanese) a pair of chopsticks in the form of a single sliver of wood ready scored for splitting in two.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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