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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, N, O, T and V

ADVOCATINGadvocating v. Present participle of advocate.
ADVOCATE v. to plead in favour of.
AUTOSAVINGautosaving v. Present participle of autosave.
auto-saving v. Present participle of auto-save.
AUTOSAVE v. to save by a facility which automatically saves newly-recorded data at regular intervals.
DIVAGATIONdivagation n. Straying off from a course or way.
divagation n. (Medicine) Incoherent or wandering speech and thought.
DIVAGATION n. a wandering about or going astray; digression.
EVAGATIONSevagations n. Plural of evagation.
EVAGATION n. wandering; digression.
LAVOLTAINGLAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
NAVIGATIONnavigation n. (Uncountable) The theory, practice and technology of charting a course for a ship, aircraft or spaceship…
navigation n. (Uncountable) Traffic or travel by vessel, especially commercial shipping.
navigation n. (Countable) A canal.
NAVIGATORSnavigators n. Plural of navigator.
NAVIGATOR n. a person who navigates or sails.
ROTAVATINGrotavating v. Present participle of rotavate.
ROTAVATE v. to till by means of a hand-operated machine, also ROTOVATE.
SOLIVAGANTsolivagant adj. Wandering alone.
solivagant n. One who wanders alone.
SOLIVAGANT adj. wandering alone.
VAGOTONIASvagotonias n. Plural of vagotonia.
VAGOTONIA n. pathological overactivity of the vagus nerve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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