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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, M, N, O and T

ANTAGONISMantagonism n. A strong natural dislike or hatred; antipathy.
ANTAGONISM n. actively expressed opposition or hostility.
AUTOMATINGautomating v. Present participle of automate.
AUTOMATE v. to convert to automatic control.
GYMNATORIAgymnatoria n. Plural of gymnatorium.
MANGOSTANSmangostans n. Plural of mangostan.
MANGOSTAN n. (Malay) a tree of the East Indies, or its orange-shaped fruit, also MANGOSTEEN.
MATRONAGESmatronages n. Plural of matronage.
MATRONAGE n. the state of a matron.
MONTAGNARDMontagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), a French political group active 1792-1799 during…
Montagnard n. (Historical) A member of La Montagne (The Mountain), Democratic Socialists active 1849-1852 in the French…
Montagnard n. (Demonym) A member of the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam.
MORGANATICmorganatic adj. Designating a marriage (or the wife involved) between a man of higher rank and a woman of lower rank…
MORGANATIC adj. relating to a marriage between people of unequal rank, the marriage being valid, the children legitimate, but unable to inherit the higher rank.
TAMPONAGEStamponages n. Plural of tamponage.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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