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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, L, O, P and R

ALLOGRAPHSallographs n. Plural of allograph.
ALLOGRAPH n. a writing, esp. a signature, for another, as opposed to an autograph.
PARAGLOSSAparaglossa n. (Zoology) One of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects.
PARAGLOSSA n. one of a pair of small appendages of the lingua or labium of certain insects.
PARALOGIASparalogias n. Plural of paralogia.
PARALOGIA n. the impairment of reasoning power characterized by difficulty in expressing logical ideas in speech.
PARALOGIESparalogies n. Plural of paralogy.
PARALOGY n. false reasoning.
PARALOGISEparalogise v. Alternative form of paralogize.
PARALOGISE v. to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions, also PARALOGIZE.
PARALOGISMparalogism n. A fallacious argument or illogical conclusion, especially one committed by mistake, or believed by the…
PARALOGISM n. false reasoning, also PARALOGY.
PARALOGISTparalogist n. One who makes fallacious arguments or draws illogical conclusions.
PARALOGIST n. a practitioner of paralogism.
PARALOGIZEparalogize v. To reason falsely; to draw conclusions not warranted by the premises.
PARALOGIZE v. to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions, also PARALOGISE.
PARALOGUESparalogues n. Plural of paralogue.
PARALOGUE n. either of a pair of genes that derive from the same ancestral gene.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
PODAGRICALpodagrical adj. Podagric; gouty.
PODAGRICAL adj. relating to podagra, gout, also PODAGRAL, PODAGRIC, PODAGROUS.
POLAROGRAMpolarogram n. A plot of current against potential produced by polarography.
POLAROGRAM n. a picture taken by polarography.
PROCTALGIAproctalgia n. (Medicine) Pain in the anal or rectal region.
PROCTALGIA n. neuralgic pain in the rectum.
PROPAGABLEpropagable adj. Capable of being propagated.
PROPAGABLE adj. capable of being propagated.
SPORANGIALsporangial adj. Relating to the sporangium.
SPORANGIAL adj. of or like a sporangium, a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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