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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, L, N, P and R

APPARELINGappareling v. Present participle of apparel.
appareling n. Clothing.
APPAREL v. to dress.
NEPHRALGIAnephralgia n. Neuralgia (i.e. pain) of the kidneys.
NEPHRALGIA n. pain in the kidneys, also NEPHRALGY.
PALAVERINGpalavering n. Gerund of palaver: the act of one who palavers.
palavering v. Present participle of palaver.
PALAVER v. to talk profusely or idly.
PARALYSINGparalysing adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of paralyzing.
paralysing v. Present participle of paralyse.
PARALYSE v. to render incapable of movement, also PARALYZE.
PARALYZINGparalyzing adj. That paralyzes.
paralyzing v. Present participle of paralyze.
PARALYZE v. to render incapable of movement, also PARALYSE.
PHALANGERSphalangers n. Plural of phalanger.
PHALANGER n. any of several kinds of long-tailed Australian marsupial.
PHARYNGALSpharyngals n. Plural of pharyngal.
PHARYNGAL n. a sound produced with the pharynx, also PHARYNGEAL.
PHARYNGEALpharyngeal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the pharynx.
pharyngeal adj. (Phonetics) Articulated with the pharynx; a term usually describing a consonant which is articulated…
pharyngeal n. (Phonetics) A sound that is articulated with the pharynx; ellipsis of pharyngeal consonant..
PLACARDINGplacarding v. Present participle of placard.
PLACARD v. to publicise by means of posters.
PLANIGRAMSPLANIGRAM n. an X-ray photograph of a selected plane section of the human body or some other solid object, aka tomogram.
PLANIGRAPHplanigraph n. A medical device for precision layer radiography.
planigraph n. (Historical) A device for tracing and reproducing drawings.
PLANIGRAPH n. an instrument for copying drawings at a different scale.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
SPORANGIALsporangial adj. Relating to the sporangium.
SPORANGIAL adj. of or like a sporangium, a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.
TARPAULINGtarpauling n. Archaic form of tarpaulin.
TARPAULING n. a strong linen or hempen cloth waterproofed with tar, also TARPAULIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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