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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2A, G, L, N, O and R

ABORIGINALaboriginal adj. First according to historical or scientific records; original; indigenous; primitive.
aboriginal adj. Living in a land before colonization by the Europeans.
aboriginal adj. Alternative letter-case form of Aboriginal.
AGRONOMIALagronomial adj. Synonym of agronomic.
AGRONOMIAL adj. relating to agronomy, scientific agriculture.
ALLARGANDOallargando adv. (Music) Decreasing in tempo; getting slower.
ALLARGANDO adv. (Italian) with slowing tempo.
ARROGANTLYarrogantly adv. In an arrogant manner; with undue pride or self-importance.
ARROGANT adv. overbearing.
CARACOLINGcaracoling v. Present participle of caracole.
caracoling n. A caracole, or half-turn.
CARACOLE v. (French) to perform a half turn on a horse, also CARACOL.
CARMAGNOLEcarmagnole n. (Historical) A popular Red Republican song and dance, of the time of the first French Revolution.
carmagnole n. (Clothing, historical) A short jacket, fashionable during the French Revolution, with short skirts…
carmagnole n. (Archaic) A bombastic report from the French armies.
GALDRAGONSGALDRAGON n. (obsolete) a Shetland word for a sorceress or witch.
GIRANDOLASgirandolas n. Plural of girandola.
GIRANDOLA n. (Italian) a branched chandelier or similar structure, also GIRANDOLE.
GRANULATORgranulator n. A machine that forms material into granules.
GRANULATOR n. something that granulates, also GRANULATER.
GRANULOMASgranulomas n. Plural of granuloma.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
GYRATIONALgyrational adj. Of, pertaining to, or caused by gyration.
GYRATIONAL adj. relating to gyration.
OCTANGULARoctangular adj. Octagonal, with eight angles.
OCTANGULAR adj. having eight angles.
ORGANISMALorganismal adj. Of or relating to an organism or organisms.
ORGANISMAL adj. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMIC.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
SPORANGIALsporangial adj. Relating to the sporangium.
SPORANGIAL adj. of or like a sporangium, a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.
TETRAGONALtetragonal adj. Having four sides, like a tetragon.
tetragonal adj. (Crystallography) Having two equal axes and one unequal, and all angles 90°.
TETRAGONAL adj. of or pertaining to a tetragon.
UROLAGNIASUROLAGNIA n. sexual arousal caused by, or associated with, urine or the urination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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